The finest in trend trading

Thanks there [B]sijeeva[/B]. :slight_smile:

Some 80 pages long but definitely worth a close read. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I will be building on some of its principles.

[B]This is correct.[/B] :smiley:

At first we sought a definition for a trend.

Then I introduced trend trading with indicators.
The reason I did that is to prime everyone with some common knowledge and also create an anticpation of a great system with indicators.

But I had other ideas!! :smiley: :smiley:

I planned to deliberately let everyone down with the indicator trading.
The fact is that a host of indicators do not give good results and, therefore, I cannot endorse any system that make exclusive use of these.

The plan was to teach everyone thro a mass of disappointment that indicators basically do not work.

So to answer [B]TradeViperā€™s [/B]question - yes, [B]gezza10 [/B]is correct, the system [U]does not work[/U] in my opinion, because it uses indicators.

Now IronHeart has done some testing to show that the system does make a profit.
But he states that is in theory.
I have yet to see this system work in practice.

[U]To summariseā€¦[/U]

Use the indicator method at your own peril.
I cannot and will not endorse it.

There is a far superior trading method just ahead (naked trading).
Why not just wait for it. ;)[/B]

This is great news, [B]nothingbutbull[/B]. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

It means that you are experiencing what I experienced - a system failing because of reliance on indicators.

My advice - forget the system and join us in the exploration of naked trading.
It is much simpler, far superior, very rewarding and will run rings around the indicator system when it comes to making a profit!! :smiley: :wink:

The indicator system was presented to teach concepts, especially with regard to the Bollinger bands.
It was never my intention to use it to trade.

The naked trading methods to be shown here will deliver what we are looking for - simple, reliable methods that pump pips!!

hello all, :slight_smile:

Some participants must be suffer from the dog disease and canā€™t wait for you, tymen, to continue :smiley:

thank you IronHeart, its pretty :slight_smile:



In this topic I will introduce the backbone of our naked trading system.

The count back line is a procedure by which we get to enter at a certain point after the most extreme candle.
It is impossible without hindsight to see the top or bottom candle of a trend, but with this approach, we actually do spot that candle and set an entry from it.

So how does it work? :confused: :confused:

I will need to show quite a number of pictures >>>

Here we have a downtrend and the lowest candle is chosen (the last candle in the trend).
By lowest candle, I mean the low of the candle.
In downtrends, we always consider the low of the candle when drawing a count back line (CBL).

A line is drawn to the top of the candle, then left till it hits the next candle, up to top again, left, then top. (3 candles are involved).

The final line is extended to the right and becomes our LONG ENTRY line for when the trend goes up again. :slight_smile:

So the rule isā€¦

top, left, top, left, top.

We now wait for the next candle to develop and finish.
It is a doji candle - that does not matter.
It is lower than the last so we do the following >>>

Same procedure as beforeā€¦

top, left, top, left, top.

We then extend the line to the right and it becomes a new lower LONG ENTRY line.

We now continue by waiting for the next candle.
Again it is lower to we again set up the count back line >>>

top, left, top, left, top - extend right.

We end up with the same entry line as before.

With a downtrend the LONG ENTRY line will go down, we never raise it.

We wait for the next candle to finish.
It is lower again, so we draw a new count back line >>>

The entry is in a new position.

The next 2 candles are not lower than the candle B from which we drew our last count back line (CBL) >>>

We do not draw count back lines from these 2 candles because they are not lower.

By lower, I mean the low of the candle.
This is the point in question.

We have to wait for a long red candle before we get a lower low.

From here we draw the CBL >>>

Note some important pointsā€¦

The CBL skips across candles 1, 2, 3 because they have highs that are not as high as candle C.
If the candles would have the same high as candle C, then we would still skip across the top.

We then hit the side wall of candle B.

Note that candle 1 does not have an upper wick - its high is also its open.
The high/open of candle 1 is not as high as candle C - hence we skip across the top.

We end up with a new LONG ENTRY line.
Sooner or later, the trend is going to change to an uptrend.

The price action will then hit our LONG ENTRY line and we will enter long.

We now have an even lower candle - the yellow candle.
The lower wick (low) is way down.

We draw the CBL >>>

As the trend goes down, our long entry price is dropping steadilly.

The next candles are different >>>

Here candles 1, 2, 3, 4 have their lows not going as low as candle L.

Therefore, we do nothing but wait.

The next chart shows some action >>>

Here the price action is starting to reverse to becoming an uptrend.

Our CBL entry (LONG ENTRY) has hit a yellow (up) candle and hence we enter LONG at that point.

OK then but that does not look very exciting. :frowning:
The price is hardly going up.
Are we really going to make a profit? :confused:

Well, here we have our answer :smiley: :smiley: >>>

The LONG ENTRY CBL is shown and the price action has really shot up since then!! :smiley:


Note the position of the stop loss.

It is easily figured - it is at the point of the lowest low.

[B]So now we know how to draw and set a count back line.[/B] :slight_smile:
It can be done on any timeframe.

The above candles were taken from a 4 hour chart.

The count back line will become the major tool for our[U] entries.[/U]
At this point we can use the SR lines as [U]exit points[/U].

Remember we use a [U]2 contract strategy[/U] for money management.
Therefore, we have 2 exits - one at an early SR line and one at a later SR line.

I have shown you how to draw a count back line when the trend is down and we are looking for an entry into a reversal, that is, an uptrend.

I must now show you how to draw a count back line for an uptrend when we are looking to enter into a downtrend.
(confusing but the diagrams will make it clear). :smiley:

this had completely catch my attentionā€¦ but Ć­ think is only the top of the iceberg :smiley:

as usually tymen is the suspence master, you should be writting novels tymen:D

if you start a book like you start a thread youĀ“ll made only best-sellers.

i can wait to read this system completedā€¦

sorry tymen, would you please remind with the post # for [U]2 contract strategy[/U] for money management

thanks :slight_smile:

I would be the first who bought his book :slight_smile:

Here is the linkā€¦