The finest in trend trading

Here is a recent trade with a BB walk on EUR/USD 15min >>>

The area traded is the grey BB sausage.
The yellow bubble is a BB bubble mounted on top of the sausage.

The entry, made in the grey sausage, also exits in the grey sausage.
There is no possibility of re-entry into the yellow bubble.

The exit in the grey BB sausage is excellent.

We now look in detail.

Hello tymen!
You can count on me! :smiley: I will help in everything i can!

Here is the entry to the grey sausage in detail, a long trade.
By the time the price action touches the upper BB, it is obvious that we are in for a BB walk so we delay the exit >>>

The entry is made in a squeeze area.

The CBL of Candle 1, an extreme candle, does not enter into candle 2.
However, the CBL of candle 2 does make an entry into the green candle 3.

The PCI is made at the low of the extreme candle 2.

Lets look at the exit using the PSAR/mid BB method >>>

While the PSAR is in standard mode, and exit is impossible.
This makes us feel good as we see the price action going up and we are counting the pips!! :smiley: :smiley:

When the candle marked INV has finished developing, the PSAR inverts.
The climb of the stoploss line is halted and extended to the right.

We see that the close of candle X is below the extended stoploss line.
According to the rules, this means EXIT!!

We do exit at a very good profit.

Entry = 761
TP1 Exit = 770
TP2 Exit = 851

Profit on trade in 15 minute chart = TP1 + TP2.
Profit = 9 + 110 = 119 pips.

Wow!! :slight_smile:

Time taken = 5.5 hours.

Profit Rate = 21 pips/hour (1 pip every 3 minutes).

Stoploss = 21 pips.

Risk/reward ratio = 21/119 = 5.7

Thank you for your encouragement Gasanvill. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
Your offer of help is much appreciated!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

We now look at the shortcut method where we enter on a BB walk only.

Here we see 4 of the entry rules clearly shown at the point of the black, vertical line >>>

[B]RULE 1 - a BB walk is considered when there is a candle that passes thro the upper/lower BB with its wick or body.

RULE 2 - this candle must develop from a squeeze area.

RULE 3 - at the time of this candle appearing, the outer BB must be expanding together, and the mid BB either rising or falling depending on whether there is a long or short BB walk.

RULE 4 - the candles must develop in stepwise function to the upper/lower BB.
The rise must not consist of one only candle rising to the outer BB.

I am new to this forum (not to trading) and have been captivated by your teaching skill Tymen, really first class, the community effort here is a joy to read.

It’s difficult sometimes when writing on forums to not sound glib, but please take care of your health, depression can creep like ivy.

sorry to hear you are not settled. that really is a lovely example of the psar doings it intended job.

Let me give my 2 cents worth on how to accelerate your learning curve on learning Tymen’s method. First, read and study the pdfs. Hordane’s is the latest one located here:

This needs to be studied like a college text. Read several times, highlighted, rewritten in summary form and studied again. It’s not enough to just understand the technique, you must understand the logic behind Tymen’s decision as to why he trades as he does. This may require some outside study of Bollinger Bands and PSAR’s. That information is all widely available on the web and Tymen has mentioned several good books on the subjects in this thread.

After you have a very complete and deep understanding of the method, it will take practice, and lots of it. Normally, mastering a complex trading system can take three months to a year, and perhaps longer if you haven’t had significant prior trading experience.

I’ve received PM’s from some new traders that complain the system isn’t working for them, but when I ask to see their charts, they are entering in no-trade zones during a BB walk against the direction of their trade. The odds of being successful over the long term with these types of entries are heavily stacked against a trader. Since in a BB walk against the direction of the trade, say a walk down and you are entering up on a small retracement cbl, there will be many small up retracement CBL’s, but only one, the last one, will actually be a good entry. If a typical BB walk down makes 2 small retracement CBL’s up, before it actually ends the walk and turns back up for a large move, then the odds are 2 to 1 against any trade entered in the no trade zone becoming a winner. These are terrible odds, close to those offered by playing a state lottery. Tymen is very clear about not entering trades during a BB walk in the opposite direction of your trade. If you choose to do so, that is your right, but please don’t blame the system.

To accelerate, you will need to accelerate your practice. Try this technique, for practice only. Open a demo account and take every cbl on every time frame from 15M to daily charts, on every chart, be it euro or Mexican peso or gold or something you don’t even know what it is. You can trade both up and down on many time frames on the same pair. Doing this, you will be trading 20 to 30 trades at the same time, some on daily charts lasting a very long time and some on the 15M chart lasting only a couple or few hours. The most difficult part is keeping up with all the trades. You will need a personal trading journal for that. You will also need your own personal trading plan. You can look at Iron Heart’s journal in the Newbie area for an example, but that’s his plan. You will need to create one just for you.

Keep excellent stats on your trades and analyze them completely. I discuss some of this in my babypips thread, Multi-Time Frame Trend Trading, but there is much more info available on the web. If you do all this, you will accelerate your learning curve by about 10 times. It’s intense. It’s hard work. It’s great fun :D. Of course, that’s just my own personal opinion.

Tymen, you never cease to amaze me. This is actually a brand new entry method geared to entering at or near the start of a BB walk. Fantastic!

sorry to hear of ur depression thymen, it can truly be a horrible thing:(. it seems strange but after weeks of reading this thread and also gravitons thread it feels like i know u both personally, ridiculous i know but all the same, that’s how it feels. even more strange is probably me saying as much in only my first post on the forum.

i did not post until i had caught up with all of this thread and nearly to the end of gravitons thread. both threads are worthy of the word masterpiece and as such are priceless

i can’t thank both of u enough for the incredible education u have given me
i hope u feel better soon thymen:(

[B]Tymen[/B], just some quick words from me:

Count on me for the final PDF. :smiley:

I’m sorry to hear that you don’t feel so good at the moment.
Recently i read a text about professional traders who are teaching trading. For i was always wondering why you (and also [B]Gravitation[/B]) put so much work into this. I have read that many successfull traders notice that, compared to a doctor or a teacher a professional trader actually has no social value at all. By teaching others that is definitely changing.

To keep this short man, i hope you know that you already accomlished that.
Like [B]IronHeart [/B]said: Its increadable how much ground we’ve covered.

[U]So just a wild suggestion: [/U]
If you feel the need for a break - no posting here, probably no trading at all - take it. I dont think that anyone will complain. :smiley:
Whish you the best!

I think the R:R-ratio above is wrong.
Since we take profits in two steps the gained pips have only half the value, right?

  • Stopout-scenario: 1x -21 pips [B]= 21 pips[/B]
  • Our scenario: (0.5x 9 pips) + (0.5x 110 pips) [B]= 59.5 pips[/B]

[B]So the Risk/reward ratio would realy be 21/59.5 = 2.8 [/B]
Which is still awesome!

I’m used to calculate it like this in my trading journal. It makes sense to me.
Am i thinking right?

(Anyone might now feel free to throw a heavy object at my head and scream: “NOO! THATS INCORRECT!”)

Tymen, if you are going back to Perth I’d suggest getting massive air conditioning installed while it is cool. It’s much less expensive to install before it gets hot. It’s about 36.5 C (98 F) outside in Houston and humid as a steam bath. Just miserable. But here inside Graviton Central Command, it’s a comfy cool 21.5 C (71 F). Sometimes I walk outside for just a few moments just to warm up. I was raised with no air conditioning, but I’m spoiled on it now. Take good care of yourself Tymen. If you need any help with anything, just PM me.

As with everyone else, I’m all in for any help required!

Best wishes.

Hi Ironheart,

It is Trading Station 2 - Marketscope. I am new to Forex, so have only looked at 4 platforms. I wanted to like Dealbook so it would be easier to follow Tymen’s directions (& any indicators he coded) but I found it confusing. That comes down to my limited knowledge of trading. I just found this platform intuitive - I didn’t read the instruction manual until a few days after I started using it & only learnt 2 things I hadn’t discovered. Having said that, there are a number of things that I have discovered that are [B]not[/B] in the manual. This seems to be a common theme for all platforms. And like the other platforms it does have its shortcomings.

In a few months time I have promised myself to do an evaluation of many different platforms before I open a live money account. Hopefully by then I will be more familiar with the different styles of platforms & will know what I want (as a minimum) from a platform.

What do you like?


Sorry. :frowning:

Finally, If you wish to continue to pursue this method, you should join the chatroom where all the PDF’s are located.

I have enrolled in the chat room, but have only had chance to get there a couple of times. What time do you usually do presentations?

Having rush-learnt this method, it is essential that you read thro the PDF’s several times to get it completely correct!!

I have only 2 ‘books’ I now read - your thread & Graviton’s, which I only finished yesterday. Now I just have to re-read & practice until it becomes second nature - and I can get it right.

Thanks for this opportunity.



Country living is definitely different than the city. I’ve lived in Vancouver and I’ve lived in an arctic town of 500 people and no roads out. Each has it’s pros and it’s cons, and definitely it’s own mindset. It’s a big adjustment either way. (I went small town to big city).

It’s funny how in the small town, while you are isolated, it seems that people can be fairly close knit. While in a city, you can be surrounded by thousands of people and feel isolated. I did like city living though.

I believe that given time, you might come to see some of the pros to living in the country. The first one I can think of is elbow space. (I’ve never liked crowds.)

PS - I’m glad you’re focusing now on entering a BB walk, I found myself at the end of these walks all week. Just kept missing them.

Can’t wait to try this out. Before, I was trying to enter just the BB Sausages/Bubbles using Phillipe Cahen’s method mentioned in his book. However it’s prone to head fakes and not I haven’t had much success on the 5min TFs.

How’s this for confirming setups, potential 4hr cbl and 30min squeeze breakout happening at same time? Not yet hit 4hr cbl and 30min BB trumpet yet though. I guess this would be a low risk short if the criteria is met?

Would the BB trumpet on the 30mins qualify as a valid entry using Tymen’s latest joining Sausage/bubble only trade?


I’m sure all of us are sad right now knowing one of our teachers is not feeling well inside.

I too live in the country. The first time I came here I felt exactly like you, the difference is I’m at 15 min by car to Barcelona wich being a large and crowded city I can “camouflage” myself easily whenever I can and it seems it’s not like that in huge Oz :frowning:

But as you said, follow your heart. It’s unfortunate you had to realize you like to be in city just when you finished moving there with all the work you put in. But hey, it’s never late and you must exert whatever is in your hand to relieve your unnecessary pain.

As Graviton said, using air conditioners would be a step to relieve the cooking heat of Perth, regardless of price I can assure it pays ten fold.
If you are concerned about it consuming a lot use those with inverter technology and AA+ efficiency… you can even use them in heating mode during winter if needed.

But most of all look for your health. You are working so hard in this for months so if I can give you any advice it would be to stop for some weeks and maybe go for vacation to a nice place of your choice. Just stop and don’t think more about Forex for some time so you can recover fully.

As Francisgalvin mentioned, Graviton and you are by now more than just someone around the globe who we learn from in a forum. I’m sure you already know that, so please do whatever needed to be happy as we will always be here waiting :wink: