The finest in trend trading

[B]Graviton [/B]is correct in this regard and I thank him for his support. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Something wonderful is about to happen!! :slight_smile:

On Sunday 29, just past, we had a morning church sermon…“count it all joy breatheren when you encounter various trials…”

[B]This was prophetic and I knew it.[/B]

That afternnoon I took a break from PDF construction and posted worthwhile information about gambling on a certain thread on Babypips.
I quoted Scripture and took a stand against gambling and suggested that forex was not gambling.

The evening sermon was an elaboration of the morning one - wow!!
I knew then that I was about to receive an attack.
[B]For-armed is for-warned.[/B]

Sure enough, the next day, the forex underworld bilge rats had been stirred, and there were very abusive replies to my posts.
The ****roaches came out of the woodwork and spat venom on this thread also.
At the same time, the dogs living next door to me started barking like never before - one from 5 am to 9 am, a second on the other side, from 9 am to 5 pm, all non stop.

The devil only attacks those whom are a threat to him.
I know when these trials occur, great victory is just around the corner.
It is like a pregnancy (great pain), leading to a birth (great joy).

[B]So effectively I rejoice and ignore the abuse.[/B]
After all, these characters have a very low intelligence compared to my vastly superior intelligence.
Being unable to debate from facts, they resort to personal abuse.
Theirs is the lowest form of American behaviour, and I do not want to embarass my country of Australia by stooping so low as to reply to them.

It would be an honor for them to lick my boot!! :stuck_out_tongue:

[B]Being filled with hate, they may well be muslim terrorists.[/B]
This is an open public forum.
They may even be aligned with al quaida - who knows?

[B]My greatest disappointment, however, is with the Babypips administration.[/B]
Over the years I have been here, they have been hammered by many senior members to lift their game.
I have reported every abusive post and they have done nothing.
Their continuing incompetance has made me very tired of them and I now claim that their management of this site is so appalling, it is the pits.

Forex Factory is nothing like this - cause trouble there and you are out!!

[B]I have sent them one last email, calling them to account before I openly suspect that they may be corrupt.[/B]

They have religiously asked me to report abusive posts, now they do nothing, I have good reason to suspect foul play on their part, even encouraging the abusive posts behind the scenes.
I have had enough of their hypocrisy.

Having said that, even if Babypips licks its wounds and bans me, I look forward to a great breakthro in the very near days ahead.
An attack of this kind (a death) does not come with out a resurection!!

[B]So I rejoice at what wonderful things are about to happen ahead!![/B]

I suspect you mean “foul play”. Fowl is a word referring to birds in general but usually refers to birds belonging to one of two biological orders, namely the gamefowl or landfowl.

Its all about generation of traffic. If people are on your website, or in your chat room how does that help promote their business ?

I’ll say no more.

A spelling mistake.
I will correct it.

Good to know some people are reading.

Open for business again, lets keep it on track everyone!

Agreed. Please do not feed the trolls.

Here is the latest version of the omnibus, you should be able to download without issue. If you experience a problem please IM me or email me directly instead of posting a comment (it is offtrack).

Hello friends traders, just a quick info.
For those who are not able to download the BB Trailing Profit Walk SL created by Tymen and recoded by Ironheart, just ask a SMA 8 Median Price, and you have very little which is a TS.
Hoping that it will.:slight_smile:
Regards, Didier.

Wow! I have just read the PDF, I am amazed by the quality of your work, and the layout is clear and airy.
Really, here is a very good bedside reading.:smiley:
Congratulations and respect for this great work of compilation.
Regards, Didier.

Ok, I have finished the administrative work.

We will see where it heads.

I am going to return to the work of constructing the DNA PDF.
If anything goes wrong, it will appear on the chatroom.

With great help from [B]Ken DoubleU[/B] giving me further lessons on CTL programming, I am also working on the Profit Walk method.

Although it is basically a naked chart, there is nothing wrong with having a stoploss + exit indicator.

Nice work, H. Updating the link on BollDNA Essential Downloads.:cool:

Thanks, Graviton.

Posts will be reported instead.

Thanks for the updated PDF Hordane! :slight_smile:

All my charting is taken from my demo program of GFT, which is my broker.
My live program chart remains secret and unaffected for safety.

That is the correct way to do it [B]dodo25[/B]!! :slight_smile:

I do the same. :slight_smile:

jumping in here…

ae we saying we shouldnt trade from our charting package, im on a mac so i trade (or will trade when i have finished learning) from my brokers java chart package…

onada if that makes any difference

Hi tymen,
I am american since you have asked but out of country for a while

many thanks to you for the lessons, they are really great!!!

would you please tell me do you close your trade on friday if it catch on the middle of the bb sausage/bubble?


Thank you RenaLa.
You are welcome!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Hope they greatly improve your trading. :wink:

would you please tell me do you close your trade on friday if it catch on the middle of the bb sausage/bubble?

Firstly, our Friday timezone is well ahead of yours - 12 hours ahead in fact.

I close early on Fridays and sometimes no trades at all on Fridays.
This leaves me ready for posts on this forum and research work.
Plus rest, of course.

If an expansion appears Friday afternoon, I will leave it - work is over.

Hes created a couple “copy” names already. The messages show up in my mail but are deleted by the time I get here to see them. Great work, admins. Its a sad, sad day when people do stuff like this. Especially to someone who has been so helpful to aspiring traders. Makes me questions aspects of humanity :confused:

Excellent work Hordane

Thanks Hordane - another great job & much appreciated.