Trading Mentor

Andrew Mitchem (“The Forex Trading Coach”) has got a lot of 5 star reviews in Forex Peace Army but I have not had any practical experience with him. Do a Google search for “5 star forex trading coach”.

There is Ezekiel Chew, a forex mentor (I did not take any help of his so far).


On this great site there must be lots of good mentors. My personal favourites are Chris Capre and DnB, both Price Action teachers.Their threads are:

Understanding Price Action by Chris Capre
Price Action, Candlesticks, and the Story They Tell by DnB Price Action.

Both worth checking out imho.

In my opinion - Al Lorente with his “Extreme TMA” site at FF and Bob at FF with his NB 10.2 thread.

Interesting - I read OP’s question as wanting a ‘real life’ mentor, ie. someone to meet, trade with, learn from, have an active two-way discussion with. Whatever the relative merits of the various discussion group threads on here, the various thread starters’ attention will not be focussed on OP in the way that a true mentor would be.

I don’t know of any standalone coaches - I have come across various people who will provide coaching/mentoring, but they generally want someone to go through a course and then move through to the mentoring, as the courses tend to weed out those with a style incompatible with the mentor’s.

yes it weeds out others and prepares the course takers for what is to come.
if the student is ‘compatible’, the journey with a mentor might be fruitful.

My bad for not reading everything…however with Chris Capre you can do his relatively inexpensive PA course and you do get a skype call included, there is a forum with day to day feedback and several of his trader/students have gone onto to trade pro and/or in his Trading Team/Fund.l know others do this too. ForexmentorPro have mentors with different styles and a very active forum plus a very cheap trial…$5 or $6 l think to see if you like it then after that its also quite cheap. Niall Fuller has a popular forum/course but l never get the sense he’s a real pro trader though he talks the talk well! Forexschoolonline is also good.(l’ve paid for each of these courses plus a few more so my comments are my true opinion not promos of any sort!)

how much have you paid for these courses?
do you still feel the need to take more courses? seems like you have attended quite a lot already.

Being learning the game for about 3 and a half to 4 years now so l have done a little of everything over that time before settling on PA. But actually put all my courses together and they don’t even add up to half of what people commonly paid for a weekend workshop in the boom days, much much less actually. However,if you can learn to trade without investing time and money in your education good on you but most people will need to spend both time and hard earned money or perhaps some will just pay the market itself in losses.You can get a lot of excellent education in FX these days for a few hundred dollars if you choose wisely as well as finding some great free sites like this one.
Also, l am still happy to carry on buying books and even another course too one day as l really enjoy trading and sometimes just picking up one good tip can really improve your trading and pay you back the out lay.

Trading coach, affiliate and members with hidden agenda love this thread :53:

Surely there doesn’t have to be a conspiracy theory for every thread on BP, even these days?

Maybe you are a tad too cynical luiz…you can’t logically get an informed opinion about a product/course/mentor unless the person has tried it. You will need to use your common sense to detect blatant promos etc but some of us like to respect the integrity of this honourable forum and only post honest reviews and opinions. Just as in the FX market where there are Fakeouts and Breakouts, l guess you will get rewarded for spotting the difference!

Babypips is the best place to attract newbies. Where else?

Not every member has a hidden agenda.

Few are :60:

Choosing a mentor that fits one’s needs is IMO a pretty tricky affair.

First of all you need to ask yourself what do you expect from a mentor or a mentorship.
More knowledge, better trading, profitability, better resilience, better mindset, you name it. In my opinion you can’t have all of it in one course. Start small, then grow.

Then you must find someone who seems to be a “good” mentor - whatever this means for you.
And here comes the crux: Being a reputable mentor is one side of the medal. However, YOU need to get along with this person, appreciate the material and the mentorship must fit to YOU. This is quite a lot that must be in place!

I just wanted to point out my experience with one of the very well-known mentors here.
A couple of years ago I chose one of the best instructors who were listed on Forex Peace Army, a person with an impressive track record. So I thought if so many people write so many good things about him, he simply must be the best for me, too!
I enrolled in one of his courses, price seemed reasonable to me. Furthermore the course covers a lot of different aspects of trading. Cool!
When I went through the videos and forum posts, I noticed that the content was presented in a rather long winded way and I thought "well, this is pretty basic stuff, but so what, I have to follow through whether I like it that way or not."
However, my desire to further my knowledge dwindled and became less and less because I really, really underestimated the time necessary to deepen my knowledge. Any I couldn’t stand to watch videos lasting sometimes more than 2h only to find, one can condense the real meat to just about 15 minutes.
To make real progress you have to have at least a couple of hours spare time EACH and EVERY day, which is completely impossible for me because I have a strenuous job, need to commute for hours, and small kids. I had hoped such a course would make me a good trader quickly. How wrong I was! Now I know at that time it was a completely false assumption, but there wasn’t any disclaimer that would have destroyed this assumption right away.

The next “interesting” thing I got to know was the way this mentor interacted (not only) with me. I confess here right away: I’m a skeptical and more often than not (overly) pessimistic person and I do not take anything for granted and if something looks weird to me or I have a different opinion I voice it. Unfortunately, this mentor takes on the stance what he writes and knows is the law (since he has many, many years of expertise) and he needs to prove the other is confused and does not understand. What he also doesn’t like is someone posting material from sources outside his courses. Something which is completely normal for a forum like this.
I don’t want to comment on this. See it for yourself.

What I want to say is: You don’t know this behavior upfront. You pay the money and then after a while both of you notice you don’t get along nicely. That’s tough luck, but your money is down the drain! To keep this argument in check, this happens with all sorts of teachers. Recall your time at school. Some teachers you liked, some you didn’t. It’s human and it’s natural. So enrolling in a course is inevitably an experiment. Keep that in mind.

Also don’t fall for the fallacy that finishing a course makes you a profitable trader! In my (of course very limited view) some students of the course seemed to mature quickly and became profitable, but others struggled on and on. You never know on which side you may end.

One other word of warning may be in order here: Signing up for a course, going through its contents is only the tip of the iceberg. The most time consuming part of trading is the application of knowledge, backtesting, journalling trades, etc… Be sure to expect a marathon!

All the best to your learning process!


You do realise this is a dead thread, last entry was July 2012

Yes, I know. But why not revive it again? The question about a good trading mentor is still vital, isn’t it?!

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There are other, more recent, threads asking about this. Surely they would have been a better place to post, with thrm having an active audience

Okay, I’m getting a bit more specific. Maybe, only maybe the one I was talking about was mentioned in this thread …