Please change back the image handling!

Dear Babypips administrators,

The recent change in how embedded images are displayed is a serious change for the worse.

This is my petition:

Please make it so that images can once again be displayed in full size without having to click them.

Amen to that.
If it stays as it is I’ll be doing a lot less chart posting.

Sign me up to that petition.

I’ve experienced this on other forums - making the site less accessible is definitely a step in the wrong direction!

You don’t remove a quality piece of kit & replace it with an inferior alternative.

A major blunder & a definite step backwards.

I feel the same way!!! It’s really difficult to view a chart [B]and[/B] read the accompanying text explaining it if they arn’t in the same window.

At very least you could increase size of [img] tags to at least match the margins of the page width.


I am adding my voice to this proposal. Ease of use is particularly important and the move by posters to embed larger charts as opposed to thumbnails has been a major improvement

Ditto, this is a critical characteristic that help you learn, and that catch your attention in the first place.

So if it’s hard to see from the very first time you take a look at something someone tries to explain, you definitely lose interest and move somewhere else. I think this diminish the purpose of the forum.

I also wish to strongly register my utter disappointment at this decision you have made to reduce the image sizes. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

As a trained teacher, I know how valuable sight education is…75% of all our sensory input is sight.
(hearing is next with 13%).

In my threads I make exclusive use of images for teaching - it is the best method and readers love it.
There is no better way to get a concept across for understanding, especially if it is a difficult one.

This means that attached notes are added to the image to explain what is going on.
The attached notes are essential for clarification and understanding.

A teacher will talk while pointing to the blackboard.
The blackboard is the “image” while the talking is the “notes”

By now requiring a separate click to see the image proper, you have separated the image from the notes!!
[B]This is a very bad move indeed!![/B]

It greatly hinders the connection between the image and the notes, thus hindering the ability for the reader to understand the subject matter.

[B]Believe me, as a teacher, I know what I am talking about.[/B]
I go to great lengths to check that my images are as high quality as possible to facilitate clear understanding.

Your move to resize these images simply undermines my efforts, and those of others who use the same principle.

I know that you want to allow as much megabyte space as possible but this is [B][U]not [/U][/B]the way to go about it.

[B]Therefore, I would ask that you reconsider this move and return the images back to their original format.[/B]

I think this is a bad move as well for all the reasons already stated.

The time and effort to make presentable charts goes for a toss now. Lets get back to what it was before.


Got my vote too. Power to the people! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey guys,

The ability to embed images is still there, the only difference now is that they are limited in size inside the post. If you want to see the full size, all you have to do is click on the bar above the image.

We did this because there are users who are posting really big images that go well beyond the natural borders. It damages the asthetics of our beautifully designed forum :D, and we feel this affects the user experience. Rather than removing embedded images altogether and forcing users to upload their images, we feel this is a better solution as it leaves a thumbnail inside the post.

We hope this makes the change clear and if we do find a better solution, or if anyone has a suggestion, we would be willing to take them into consideration. Thanks everyone! :slight_smile:

How about increasing the size of the thumbnail to the largest size you are comfortable with?

Can a script automatically resize an image that’s to big when its posted? Some of the image hosting sites will automatically resize an image to a "standard size"when its uploaded if the user chooses. You might need to add a line to the sites T.O.S…

I humbly second Shr1k’s suggestion as a solution.

I think we all understood why you did it…but what we don’t understand is that apparently now you can make the embedded images smaller…so why can’t you also make them bigger…at least to the width of the page :confused:

I agree.

I hate those images that some people post which are several inches wider than the BP page.

[B]But, if you can reduce large images to 45% of page width, why can’t you reduce them to 100% of page width?[/B]


[B]100% page width please!![/B] :mad: :mad:

With the option of clicking on the image to get 150% width!! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

I think you people are being just a little too fetish about the appearance of your forum - [B]the teaching content is much more important!![/B]

Speaking of page width, I think that it could be widened too. Most of todays monitors/screens are much wider than they used to be and when on babypips there is a lot of wasted left & right “margin” space.

When designing my auction listings I still use a width that would fit in a 600x800 screen. just to make sure everyone can see it without scrolling left / right. BP may be able to determing their averge view and adjust screen width accordingly