BabyPips Forum Mobile App issues

I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab and I have downloaded the android app for the baby pips forum which I have been using to read the forums for several months. Today when I tried to access the forum through this app I got an error message saying “The remote server sent and unknown response. This could be a result of the forum software plugin being outdated or having a conflict.”

I have updated the app tonight and got the message that it was successfully updated. However, I am still getting the same error message about the remote server and still can not access the forum.

Is anyone else having this same problem? Does anyone know if there is a problem with the server?

I just love to read the baby pips app forums at lunch on my tab and might start having withdrawals if I can’t. Please help! :slight_smile:


I am an iPad user and have the same problem as klic4pips. However I can’t even access the app now after downloading it again, I just keeps saying loading with. Blank screen. Is there anyone we can report it to as I’m not familiar with the admin or who would deal with such things

Hello klic4pips and Wern18,

Yes, there is an issue with the iOS and Andriod apps at the present time. Users are receiving “parse” errors and connection errors, and the forums are not loading at all. We are aware of the issue and are actively working to resolve it. Thanks for your feedback and patience while we get the apps working.



Thanks for your reply. I appreciate the efforts of the BabyPips team to resolve the issue. I will be looking forward to accessing the forums again on my tablet.

BabyPips is an awesome site. You guys keep up the good work.


I am getting the same error on iPad

Hey Kimonz,

This issue will affect all versions of iOS (iPhone, iTouch, iPad, etc) and Android. Thanks!


thank you:) do keep us posted ! :slight_smile:


Please try your mobile apps again. We’ve fixed the issue and tested internally, and both the iOS and Android apps are working for us. Two unrelated software products weren’t playing nice after an update to one of them. Thanks for being patient. You should be back up and running. Let us know if you’re not.



I just checked and saw your post. I immediately got my tab to test it. And it seems to be working great so far! Thanks to you guys for getting the issue resolved so soon.

Thanks so much.

You are most welcome.


Whoohoo finally mobile again thank you

I’m getting the parse error again. But only on certain threads. Sometimes closing the app and removing it from my recently used ones helps and sometimes it doesn’t.