Eur/usd when will it go up?

eur/usd has been going down since May for the most part when will it go up again? is there anything i should keep my eye on?

" If we really think about it, if we really think about it, we will see that the only thing that ever matters about a market is which way it is moving right now. Everything else is – totally – irrelevant. If every system and method in the world says that a particular market should be moving up here, but it’s actually moving down – then down is the way it’s going right now. And that’s all that ever matters.

To repeat: Everything whatsoever that states what a market should do is absolutely irrelevant. (Note: Not necessarily wrong, just irrelevant.) The only thing that matters is what the market is actually doing.

The TREND is everything that matters about PRICE.

J. Welles Wilder Jr.


Hey Brady,

Who knows? :slight_smile: No one knows I imagine. For an overall view, zoom out to the daily or weekly charts. The Euro could go down further, retrace higher etc. If it remains bearish, continue to sell it :slight_smile:

Will it go up or down? Yes it will!