S & R lines EUR/USD 1H


First post here :slight_smile: Pretty excited to join to the community. I’ve been reading for about a month now and what a great group of people to learn from.

I have an easy question for you all. On the current 1H chart for the EUR/USD it shows that it’s “ranging” I think is the correct term. My question is would you try to draw support and resistance or go back and find levels? Whenever it starts to look flat I’m never sure what to do… so I will simply ignore or go to a different time until I see more defined structure. But I think I’m might be missing out? Or at least missing a chance to enter before the break out.

Thanks all :slight_smile:


Hi, have you been studying at Pipschool? If not, its worth spending some time there before trading, even demo trading

There is plenty of different methods to plotting … start with you tube as well as test a strategy that works best for you. I actually love using line charts and connecting the swing points. Has worked well for me!!