Eur / Jpy Analysis Signal Alerts From Centreforex

Eur/Jpy : 20/04/2015 Technical Analysis Report From CentreForex
Our Preference: Sell below 128.60 for the target of 127.00 levels.
Alternative Scenario: Nill

Technical Commentary :- In Daily chart :- EurJpy was trading in the range bound pattern between key support level 127 and key resistance level 130 levels and after 2nd testing the key support level 127 its came back higher and last week its closed on higher side :- We have shown in image.
In 4 hour chart and In 1 hour chart Eur/Jpy was trading in the equidistant channel lines and trading below key resistance levels 128.60 so we can except sideways movements, so we can buy on intraday support levels : - We have shown in image.

Eur/Jpy : 24/04/2015 Technical Analysis Report From CentreForex
Our Preference: Buy Above 129 for the target of 130 Levels
Alternative Scenario: Nill

Technical Commentary :- In Daily chart :- EurJpy was broken the triangle pattern on upper trend line of higher side and it was trading in the range bound pattern between key support level 127 and key resistance level 130 levels , so we can buy near key support level and its tested back higher from 3rd testing the key support level and last week closeing also on higher side :- We have shown in image.
In 4 hour chart and In 1 hour chart Eur/Jpy was trading in the equidistant channel lines and trading below key resistance levels 128.60 so we can except sideways movements, so we can buy on intraday support levels : - We have shown in image.

Eur/Jpy : 27/04/2015 Technical Analysis Report From CentreForex
Our Preference: Buy Above 129 for the target of 130 Levels
Alternative Scenario: Nill

Technical Commentary :- In Daily chart :- EurJpy was broken the triangle pattern on upper trend line of higher side and it was trading in the range bound pattern between key support level 127 and key resistance level 130 levels and the pair was moving with lower trend line, so we can buy near key support level 129 :- We have shown in image.
In 4 hour chart and In 1 hour chart :-Eur/Jpy was trading in the equidistant channel lines and trading above the key resistance levels 128.60 so we can except sideways movements, so we can buy on intraday support levels : - We have shown in image.

Eur/Jpy : 11/05/2015 Technical Analysis Report From CentreForex
Our Preference: Sell below 135.20 for the target of 133 and 134 Levels
Alternative Scenario: Nill

Technical Commentary :- In weekly Chart and In Daily chart:- Eur/Jpy Came back down after testing the key resistance level and the pair closed lower side so we got some good resistance again, so we can sell near key resistance level 135.30 :- We have shown in image.
In 4 hour chart and In 1 hour chart:-Eur/Jpy was trading in the triangle pattern and below the upper trend line and key resistance level so we can buy sell lower channel line 133.20 levels :- We have shown in image.

Eur/Jpy : 27/05/2015 Technical Analysis Report From CentreForex
Our Preference: Sell below 133.80 for the target of 133.00 Levels
Alternative Scenario: Nill

Technical Commentary :- In Daily chart :- EurJpy was trading in the equidistant channel lines and trading above the resistance level and now its was trading near upper channel line :- We have shown in image.
In 4 hour chart:-Eur/Jpy was broken the triangle pattern on lower side and its broken the intraday lower trend line so we can except on selling side upto next support levels :- We have shown in above image.
In 1 hour chart :- EurJpy was trading in the equidistant channel lines and its broken lower trend line so we can sell near intraday resistance levels so we can except on selling side upto next support level.

Eur/Jpy : 03/06/2015 Technical Analysis Report From CentreForex
Our Preference: Buy above 137.00 for the target of 140.00 Levels
Alternative Scenario: Nill
Technical Commentary :- In Daily chart :- Yesterday EurJpy was broken the key resistance level 137.00 so we got strong conformation on buying side so we can buy above the support level of 137.00 upto next key resistance levels :- We have shown in image.

In 4 hour chart:-Eur/Jpy was trading with lower trend line and trading above the key support level.
In 1 hour chart :- EurJpy was trading in the equidistant channel lines and its broken lower key resistance line so we can buy near intraday support levels .

I don’t know how much of this turn out in reality but, news has been arising about the economic collapse as greece recently voted against the bailout strategies. This is said to be affecting euro.

Eur/Jpy : 03/09/2015 Technical Analysis Report From CentreForex

Our Preference: Buy above 135.00 for the target of 136.50 Levels

Alternative Scenario: Nill

Technical Commentary :- In Daily chart :- EurJpy was trading above the new lower trend line and trading near key support we can except on buying side :- We have shown in image.

In 4 hour chart:-Eur/Jpy was trading in the equidistance channel lines and trading near upper channel lines, if it breaks upper channel lines means we can except on buying side:- We have shown in above image.

In 1 hour chart :- EurJpy was trading in the triangle pattern and trading above intraday key support level, so we can except on buying side upto next resistance level.

Eur/Jpy : 17/09/2015 Technical Analysis Report From CentreForex

Our Preference: Buy above 136.00 for the target of 136.80 Levels

Alternative Scenario: Nill

Technical Commentary :- In Daily chart :- EurJpy was trading in the range bound pattern between key resistance level and key support levels :- We have shown in image.

In 4 hour chart :- Eur/Jpy was trading in the equidistant channel lines and trading above the key resistance levels so we can buy near key support levels :- We have shown in above image.

In 1 hour chart :- EurJpy was moving with strong lower trend line and trading above the key resistance levels, so we can except on buying side upto next resistance level.

Eur/Jpy : 18/09/2015 Technical Analysis Report From CentreForex

Our Preference: Buy above 136.00 for the target of 137.30 Levels

Alternative Scenario: Nill

Technical Commentary :- In Daily chart :- yesterday EurJpy was broken the key resistance level and closed above key resistance level so it was confirming for buying zone we can except upto next upper trend line :- We have shown in above image.

In 4 hour chart :- Eur/Jpy was trading in the equidistant channel lines and trading above the key resistance levels so we can buy near key support levels :- We have shown in above image.

In 1 hour chart :- EurJpy was moving with strong lower trend line and trading above the key resistance levels, so we can except on buying side upto next resistance level.

Usd/Chf : 18/09/2015 Technical Analysis Report From Centreforex

Our Preference: Sell below 0.9680 levels for the target of 0.9550 levels.

Alternative Scenario: Nill

Technical Commentary : In Daily Chart :- Yesterday Usd/Chf was broken the key support level on lower side and closed below the key support level with lower closing so we can except next key support level :- we have shown in above image.

In 4 hour chart :- Usd/Chf was broken the the triangle pattern on lower side so its confirming for selling zone :- we have shown in above image.

In 1 hour chart :- Usd/Chf was broken the equidistant channel lines on lower side and so its confirming to move on next key support levels :- we have shown in above image

Eur/Jpy : 22/09/2015 Technical Analysis Report From CentreForex

Our Preference: Sell below 135.00 for the target of 133.30 Levels

Alternative Scenario: Nill

Technical Commentary :- In Daily chart :- EurJpy was trading in the long term triangle pattern and now its trading below the key support lines so we can except upto next key support levels :- We have shown in above image.

In 4 hour chart :- Eur/Jpy was formed double top and now its broken the key support level 135.00 so further it will move on selling side upto next key support level 133.00 :- We have shown in above image.

In 1 hour chart :- EurJpy was broken the lower trend line and now its moving with upper trend line so we can except heavy fall on selling side :- which we have shown in above image.

Eur/Jpy : 29/09/2015 Technical Analysis Report From CentreForex

Our Preference: buy above 134.00 for the target of 135.00 Levels

Alternative Scenario: Nill

Technical Commentary :- In Daily chart :- yesterday EurJpy was closed on higher side and closed above the key support level and its was trading in the triangle pattern so further we except on buying side upto next resistance levels :- We have shown in above image.

In 4 hour chart and In 1 hour chart :- Eur/Jpy was trading in the triangle pattern and trading with intraday lower trend line and its trading below the key resistance level 135.00 so further we can except to buying side from key support level 134.00 :- We have shown in above image.

Eur/Jpy : 06/10/2015 Technical Analysis Report From CentreForex

Our Preference: Sell below 135.20 for the target of 133.80 Levels

Alternative Scenario: Nill

Technical Commentary :- In Daily chart :- yesterday EurJpy was closed on lower side and closed above the key support level and its was trading with lower trend line so further we except on selling side upto next support levels :- We have shown in above image.

In 4 hour chart and In 1 hour chart :- Eur/Jpy was trading in the triangle pattern and its trading below the key resistance level 135.00 so further we can except to selling side from key support level 133.80 :- We have shown in above image.

Eur/Jpy : 27/10/2015 Technical Analysis Report From CentreForex
Our Preference: Buy above 133.00 for the target of 133.80 Levels
Alternative Scenario: Nill
Technical Commentary :- In Daily chart :- EurJpy was reached the key support 133.00 level so we can buy near intraday support level for target upto next key resistance level 133.80 :- We have shown in above image.
In 4 Hour Chart :- Eur/Jpy was trading in the intraday triangle pattern and trading near lower trend line If it breaks the lower trend line means we can except upto next support levels :- We have shown in above image.
In 1 Hour chart :- Eur/Jpy was trading in the equidistant channel lines and trading near the lower trend line line If it breaks the lower trend line means we can except upto next support levels ortherwise it will move upto upper trend line :- We have shown in above image.

Eur/Jpy : 28/10/2015 Technical Analysis Report From CentreForex
Our Preference: Sell Below 133.30 for the target of 132.50 Levels
Alternative Scenario: Nill
Technical Commentary :- In Daily chart :- Yesterday EurJpy was broken the key support 133.00
level and closed below key support level as bearish candle and its broken previous low and closed
below so its confirming for selling zone next key support level 132.00 :- We have shown in above
In 4 Hour Chart :- Eur/Jpy was broken the intraday triangle pattern on lower side and now trading
below the lower trend line so we can except upto next key support levels :- We have shown in
above image.
In 1 Hour chart :- Eur/Jpy was trading in the equidistant channel lines and trading in the intraday
triangle pattern and now its trading near the upper trend line line and key resistance leve,so we
can except on selling side :- We have shown in above image.

Eur/Jpy : 29/10/2015 Technical Analysis Report From CentreForex
Our Preference: Sell Below 133.00 for the target of 132.00 Levels
Alternative Scenario: Nill
Technical Commentary :- In Daily chart :- Yesterday EurJpy was broken the key support 133.00 level and closed below key support level as bearish candle and its tested the last 2 months low and closed below so its confirming for selling zone next key support level 132.00 :- We have shown in above image.
In 4 Hour Chart :- Eur/Jpy was moving with upper trend line and now trading below the key resistance so we can except upto next key support levels :- We have shown in above image.
In 1 Hour chart :- Eur/Jpy was broken the equidistant channel line on lower side and its broken the key support levels and now its trading near key resistance level so we can except on selling side :- We have shown in above image.

Eur/Jpy : 03/11/2015 Technical Analysis Report From CentreForex

Our Preference: Sell Below 133.00 for the target of 132.00 Levels

Alternative Scenario: Nill

Technical Commentary :- In Daily chart :- Last 5 days EurJpy was closed below the key resistance

level and its trading in the sideways movement so we can sell near key resistance levels :- We have

shown in above image.

In 4 Hour Chart :- Eur/Jpy was broken the triangle pattern on lower side and its trading below the

resistance level, so we can go head with selling zone :- We have shown in above image.

In 1 Hour chart :- Eur/Jpy was trading in the equidistant channel lines and its trading near upper

channel lines and its broken the lower trend line so its confirming for the selling side :- We have

shown in above image.

Eur/Jpy: 04/11/2015 Technical Analysis Report From CentreForex

Our Preference: Sell Below 133.00 for the target of 132.00 Levels

Alternative Scenario: Nill

Technical Commentary :- In Daily chart :- Last 6 days EurJpy was closed below the key resistance level and its trading in the sideways movement and yesterday its close as bearish candle so we can sell near key resistance levels :- We have shown in above image.

In 4 Hour Chart :- Eur/Jpy was trading in the triangle pattern and its trading in the sideways movement between key resistance and key support level so we can sell near upper trend line and resistance level :- We have shown in above image.

In 1 Hour chart :- Eur/Jpy was trading in the equidistant channel lines and its trading near upper channel lines we can sell below upper channel line :- We have shown in above image.

Eur/Jpy : 05/11/2015 Technical Analysis Report From CentreForex

Our Preference: Sell Below 132.50 for the target of 132.00 Levels

Alternative Scenario: Nill

Technical Commentary :- In Daily chart and In 4 Hour Chart :- EurJpy was broken the key support 132 level on lower side and its closed like as bearish candle Now previous low acting as the key resistance level so we can sell near resistance level :- We have shown in above image.

In 1 Hour chart :- Eur/Jpy was trading in the equidistant channel lines on selling trend so we can except on selling side :- We have shown in above image.