Forex Software

Hello all… Does anyone here use forex signal software to validate the trades they want to make? If so does it work? Forex Killer, forex assasin, etc…have had a demo for a while now and almost ready to go live. Thanks…

I’ve never used any form of signal service neither would i consider doing so. Why would you want to trade your hard earned money just because i website somewhere says to do so. I just took at forex killers website and it just looks so sketchy. With claims such as “[B]make a substantial income without having any trading knowledge or skills at all[/B]”, really??? Is anything ever that easy. We all know the saying “if its too good to be true it probably is”

If you want someone else to trade for you get a managed account, that way you’ll get professional management and there’s probably a ton of regulations to keep your money safe as well

Someone needs to tell them to hire a couple of web designers and while they’re at, hiring better actors to do the youtube testimonial thing wouldnt be a bad idea either :smiley: :smiley:

I personally don’t trust that type of software, besides i would rather learn to trade myself, software like that takes all the fun out of trading… :stuck_out_tongue:
If you search these forums you’ll find some info on forexkiller.

Most broker’s software allows for “email alerts”, if that’s the kind of signal you are talking about.

If you mean taking advice/“hot tips” from people, well, that’s a whole different story.