I edited this post because I realized my mistake.
I want to check the High and Low points between several hours, and use there difference (of the High and Low) for my orders.
Edited: I learned Java a bit and I made that short function to show you what I mean (hope you familiar with Java so you can understand me):
int currectHigh=0;
int nextHigh=0;
for (int i=1 ; i<13 ; i++)
If (currect<next)
The idea is you enter your first bar high (currectHigh) and then enter the “for” loop 12 times (I want to check 12 hours), and each time compare the currect High to the next one you enter and if the next one is bigger, we change the value of “currectHigh” to “nextHigh” (the line “currectHigh=nextHigh;”)
And make all that again for the low of these 12 hours.
I really hope you understood me, if not please relay only to the first part of the post.