Fast Forex Millions

Well guys I don’t know much about this ea yet but I am excited! My good friend William has come out with a new ea called Fast Forex Millions. I know this sounds like a sales pitch but its not. He is the one who brought us million dollar pips.

This ea promises to be better and less broker sensitive. I will have it set up by this weekend and as usual I will provide realtime live results for all to see. Who knows maybe William hit a home run.

like I always say testing has a very important role in my portfolio. I look at it as research and development and when i find something great I go with it. I know William is a stand up guy and I have a lot of respect for him so I am very hopeful his new ea will kick serious a$$!!! I’ll keep you guys posted.

Here is the myfxbook (I am going to use my mc2 live account that I just opened.) It is a small $500 account but I can’t keep opening live accounts every 2 days :smiley:

I am committed to not only finding good successful ea’s but sharing my findings with you guys. As of right now I haven’t even loaded the ea onto my mt4 yet so I don’t know about settings or anything so I am not recommending this ea only testing it. If this ea does well during live forward testing than I will certainly recommend it but as of right now that would be premature and I just want to be honest so you guys know where I am coming from.


awesome johnny! im diying to know the details

by the way i have a question is it a martingale strategy? i read this at their web page and it sounds martingaleish to me hehe:

⇒ Great Reason #4:
Low Risk To High Reward almost 2 times the size win for every loss, and the max winning trades can go up pretty high!


i am wondering that a person making million of $ by his EA, then why should he sell his Crystal ball?
anyway, anybody tried this?

It’d be great if they would provide 99% quality backtests. You’d be surprised at the differences you get, especially if this EA is anything like MDP.

Fantastic Johnny as usual we appreciate your un-biased views and comprehensive reviews.

What do you think the minimum balance required would be?


excellent idea, I just saw it myself. Will follow. Thank you.

Hi everyone :slight_smile:

Like Johnny I’m pretty excited about this ea. Will start on a demo account with medium risk and Live account with low risk until it proves itself.

I like the fact that there is a reasonable stop loss and has trailing stops.

Fingers crossed and look forward to it being a good part of my portfolio.

Cheers for starting the thread Johnny and maybe invite William to join the thread. I see he is part of the thread on donnafx.

Good luck everyone :slight_smile:

With all the willingness in the world, could not wait myself and just purchased it. I will set it up over the weekend and provide a myfxbook link on this forum.

Be interesting to see how this one pans out, but sounds promising.

hehe awesome, more good quality info to us, thanks tradingshed

Before anyone picks up this EA I’d recommend reading the donna forex thread on it, they are seriously tearing it apart after finding large discrepancies between the marketing and their own backtesting data.

It could just be forum rage, but I’d recommend taking a read through it so you can make an informed decision:)

lets me put this in bold [B]THERE IS NO FOREX ROBOT THAT WILL TURN 1000$ INTO 1.5 MILLION IN A YEAR[/B] This guy is all BS I wont touch his EA with a 100 feet pole. Lets all be realistic do you think a guy will sell an EA that makes ‘‘millions’’ that cheaply? Guys dont get fooled into EA’s like this …Ive always said this the EA’s that work and work great arent for sale and these EA’s that work dont make millions they just get a 100,000 account into 150,000 account in a years time with no risk.

Thanks for the tip, I have done some extensive reading on it! Large thread with a lot of opinions!! I agree with Hamno that everyone thinking of buying this EA should read the forum before making their mind up.

Before anyone picks up this EA I’d recommend reading the donna forex thread on it, they are seriously tearing it apart after finding large discrepancies between the marketing and their own backtesting data.

It could just be forum rage, but I’d recommend taking a read through it so you can make an informed decision

Read more: 301 Moved Permanently

I’ll check out df but to be honest there are only a handful of members who’s opinions I value. Overall I don’t like it over there to much talking at each other and to many ego’s. It is a million times better here where we actually care about “newbies” and those who are not in “the click”

But having said that there are some very intelligent people over there and I definitely have my favorites so I will take a look.

I wanted to let everyone know I have invited William to come over and say hi. Maybe he will, maybe he won’t. I know he is extremely busy but I am hopeful.
Have a great weekend everyone.

Before anyone picks up this EA I’d recommend reading the donna forex thread on it, they are seriously tearing it apart after finding large discrepancies between the marketing and their own backtesting data.

It could just be forum rage, but I’d recommend taking a read through it so you can make an informed decision

Read more: 301 Moved Permanently

well because of your comment I went and read all 32 pages over at df

All I can say is its typical over there. There are the ones who are holier than though with there red flag criteria than there are the hysterical scam criers and they all cried scam and whatever than by 1 hour after the release the tone was wow this ea has potential than it went to the backtests. And most people that are making comments don’t even have the ea.

I looked over some 10 year backtests from user (whatever I can’t think of his name atm) anyway his bt’s looked decent and they were based on 2% risk.

So I stand on what I always say and that is the only way to know is to forward test with a real account and analyze the results.

It would seem some people are on a smear campaign for what reason IDK but I do know William is a good person and I have had great success with one of his ea’s, decent success with another and I am hopeful about this one so only time will tell.

Hi everyone,

Like Johnny I read all the posts and totally agree. As Johnny said most of the people there crying foul don’t even own it and yet they seem to have very strong opinions? There are also the ones that are loosing money fast and wouldn’t you know it they have their risk really high. A bit like the guy in the smart fx thread who lost 40% of his account in a week then try’s to blame the programmer? Get real.

Back tests are good but they are just, BACKtests. They are not forward tests and definitely rely on the data that is supplied.

I look forward to running this ea in the coming week, both on live and demo.

On a lighter note, I don’t know about others but do you find weekends a pain with no trading? Also because of the time zones I have to wait until Monday at 11:00am before the markets open! In saying that it is nice sometimes as the Friday market dosn’t close until 10:00am Saturday morning local time, it is nice to wake up on a Sat morning and see what you made on the Friday session.

Happy trading and good luck to everyone with this ea :slight_smile:

I would love to be able to trade 24/7, is that a bad thing???

Ha ha no not at all, I feel the same.

I have some manual trades using price action on AUDUSD and it has pushing nicely higher, was up just on 2K so closed out 1K profit on Friday and have left the rest over the weekend. Hoping for a higher push next week. Just the dam weekend getting in the way :slight_smile: