Going offshore to escape the CFTC

Good questions, Tom.

We should take a look at this broker and decide whether they deserve to remain on our List.

One thing I just discovered visiting their website:

They appear to have no presence in Seychelles (where we have been listing them). On their “Contacts” page, their principal place of registration now appears to be British Virgin Islands, with a London phone number indicating that their physical location is actually in the U.K.

In addition to the BVI mail-drop, Real Trade also lists “Partners” in Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia, and these “partners” bear the Real Trade label, so what does that mean? branch offices? subsidiaries? or just IB’s?

Do we need to keep Real Trade on our List?

What do you guys think? — Please weigh in.


what do you guys think about FxCHOICE?

another question, do any of you experience slow server issue with trader was? especially in demo

Have you read the first 7 posts in this thread?

Are you aware that we have designated [B]FX Choice[/B] as one of our Trusted Brokers?

In post #7, you will find LINKS to more than 10 of the most recent comments posted in this thread regarding FX Choice — which should answer your first question.

I presume you are asking about [B]Trader’s Way,[/B] our other Trusted Broker. Am I right?

Again, refer to post #7, where you will find LINKS to more than 2 dozen comments about Trader’s Way posted by participants in this thread.


I saw FxGlory on the first list. That is nice.I have been using this broker since 2014 and I am satisfied with their services.

1 Like

Welcome to this thread, Thomas.

I noticed that you have taken some abuse on another thread for your support of [B]FXGlory.[/B] You won’t face that sort of treatment here on this thread, as long as you’re straight-forward with us.

So, tell us a little about yourself, and let’s talk about FXGlory.

Where do you live? Which FXGlory branch do you deal with? Are you associated with FXGlory in any way [I]other than[/I] as a retail customer? Why do you think FXGlory has gotten so much bad publicity on this site, and on other sites?

Here on this thread, we’ve had only one substantive comment on FXGlory in the years that they’ve been on our Offshore Broker List, and it was a sharply negative comment, posted almost 2 years ago.

Apparently, there have been a lot of developments at FXGlory since that comment was posted. So, it should be informative to have you here to contribute some first-hand information.

While reading the fine print on the FXGlory website, I noticed that they have recently expanded into St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The Caribbean region in general, and SVG in particular, have become popular domiciles for forex brokers seeking to locate in jurisdictions where they can deal with U.S. residents, free (or relatively so) from the nazis at the CFTC. Do you know anything about FXGlory’s move into SVG?

Write back soon, and tell us what you know about FXGlory — and more about yourself.


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I can weigh in.

Definitely. [B]Trader’s Way[/B] has higher latencies than other ones I have used (like [B]AssetsFX[/B], which had the lowest). It seems that they do not maintain any servers at all in North America. I recall seeing some other broker with a server in Canada a couple of years back but I don’t remember which one. I figure it is for good reason - to keep all all business structure outside of the US/Canada. However it seems like most other brokers have an NY4 datacenter server or something similar and they have not had any issues (knock on wood of course), so I am not sure if maintaining a server within a certain jurisdiction is dangerous or not.

Anyway, yeah while the slow server thing isn’t an actual issue, it is annoying sometimes.

Amid the FCA’s continuing efforts to cripple retail forex trading in the U.K.,
brokers there contemplate massive cuts to their London workforce,
and consider moving their corporate headquarters to the E.U.

Finance Magnates article

To our broker-friends in London:
If Germany doesn’t work out for you guys,
take a look at the Caribbean region.



Welcome to this thread, Thomas.

So, tell us a little about yourself, and let’s talk about FXGlory.

Where do you live? Which FXGlory branch do you deal with? Are you associated with FXGlory in any way [I]other than[/I] as a retail customer? Why do you think FXGlory has gotten so much bad publicity on this site, and on other sites?

Write back soon, and tell us what you know about FXGlory — and more about yourself.[/QUOTE]

No comment, Thomas?

Nothing, at all?

What are we to make of that?


Yeah so far he has only posted in defense of [B]FxGlory[/B] in another thread along with a couple of short compliments to other forum members, such as “I like your analysis”.

Says he is online now, so maybe he will surprise us and not be the James Bond of [B]FxGlory[/B] public relations. :slight_smile:

I have been looking into Renesource Capital and will likely open an account there. Their customer service people seem knowledgeable and their English is excellent.

Reviews in English are in short supply, but I found a Latvian forum with a dedicated thread for Renesource (treideri.lv/smf/index.php?topic=521.0 – you need to create an account to read the thread). Google translate seems to indicate that this thread contains multiple satisfied customers, and there is active engagement from Renesource staff there. In particular, they released a statement on the 2015/01/15 CHF disaster, which I’ve quoted below, as I noticed people were worried about the absence of such a statement earlier in the thread.

Thank you for curating this thread; it’s a great resource. If I do open an account I will report back on the experience.

Translated version of Renesource statement on CHF tsunami:

Dear. “Treideri.lv” forum members!

Renesource Capital IBS notify when in spite of 15 January 2015 (known as the “black Thursday”), the Swiss National Bank (Swiss National Bank) decision to withdraw from the 3rd year long - the national currency the Swiss franc exchange rate peg to the euro (EUR) currency and interest rates down to a negative mark of minus 0.75% and further to the Swiss franc (CHF) values for the rapid growth (in relation to the euro is about 30% against the USD ~ 20%) and volatility relative to the entire country national currencies, Renesource Capital AS IBS performance is not adversely affected and the financial situation can be characterized as stable.

The Swiss National Bank’s decision has confirmed Renesource Capital IBS incorporated risk management technology, risk pārvadības and control systems as well as financial risk management policy and the sustainability of activities especially heightened foreign exchange market volatility conditions.

Renesource Capital IBS capital base, capital adequacy and financial performance of the above events were not affected and ensure its absolute compliance with legal - regulatory requirements.

The above regard, we inform that Renesource Capital IBS daily operational activities has not been affected and takes place as usual, as well as failure to implement certain restrictions on transactions including cash and derivatives trading and transfers.

We remind you that Renesource Capital IBS clients’ funds and financial instruments are kept separate (segregated) from Renesource Capital IBS ‘own funds as well as from other clients’ funds and financial instruments.

Follow the news and useful information for our social sites.


Renesource Capital IBS


You joined this forum a month ago,

— this is your first (and, so far, [I]only[/I]) post,

— and it reads like a [I]Press Release.[/I]

Pardon my skepticism — but, I don’t believe that you’re just an ordinary retail forex trader, looking for a good broker, considering Renesource Capital, and just wanting to share your thoughts here.

On the contrary, I believe that you are affiliated with Renesource in ways that you don’t want to divulge.

If I’m wrong, please write back, and prove it.


Hi Clint,

I’ll happily state unequivocally that I’m not affiliated with Renesource Capital, nor am I acting on their behalf. I don’t even have an account with them yet; I’ve just corresponded with them about swap rates.

I registered here in order to set my posts-per-page setting to the maximum while reading this thread, and to send a PM to a user who had posted about various brokers in the thread (if I remember right, the user had chosen to disable PM/email).

I’m not interested in discussing forex and don’t intend to post regularly, but I found this thread very informative and was impressed with your dedication to maintaining it. As such, and since this thread doesn’t contain any testimonials re: Renesource, I thought I would contribute what I had found.

Your skepticism is understandable. If you let me know what you consider proof that I’m not affiliated with Renesource I’d be happy to provide it, but I am not going to reveal any identifying information about myself. I hope you’ll forgive me for putting some effort into my posts :wink:

Thanks for your reply.

Explanation accepted! — I’ll take it as “proof”.

Welcome to this thread. Post here whenever it suits you. And especially, if you decide on Renesource, please consider keeping us informed about your experiences with them. We have very little to go on, regarding that broker, except the fact that they do welcome U.S. residents.

Sarcasm appreciated! :wink:

No apology required. I greatly admire good writing — it speaks of seriousness toward the subject at hand, and toward the writer’s audience.

Thanks for clearing up all the misunderstandings!


Has anybody had any experience with LMFX ? I seen them talked about earlier in this thread breifly. They are newer hence maybey why I couldnt find many reviews. I am particularily interensted in their 0 spread Package.
Just wondering if anybody has traded it. Looking for a broker to return to spot with from trading binaries. U.S. citizen high leverage :slight_smile:

                                            <img src="//babypips-discourse-media-production.s3.amazonaws.com/original/3X/9/0/900f4b71977253c7a2472b7666ea0fa50b5840dc.jpg" width="690" height="314"><br/>

Hello, cjsun

Welcome to the forum, and welcome to this thread.

[B]LMFX[/B] has been discussed extensively for more than a year on THIS THREAD.

You might want to check out the discussion there.

From what I’ve heard and read about LMFX over the past year, they seem to be establishing a reputation for honesty, fair dealing, competitive terms and conditions, and attentive customer service — just the things we are looking for in offshore brokers who seek our business.

Many months ago, LMFX asked us to consider them for the Trusted Broker designation. We tabled that request, due to the fact that too few participants on this thread had live trading experience with them. Maybe it’s time to continue that discussion.

Thanks for your post.

Anyone with live trading experience with LMFX, who would like to join this conversation, please weigh in.


Thanks for the thread Link!

It looks like their zero account really isnt zero spread pretty misleading. Looks like the only thing LMFX has 0 of is regulation

                                     <img src="//babypips-discourse-media-production.s3.amazonaws.com/original/3X/2/9/29e47c6cccb16db02a559e54fb2502411bc4b27b.jpg" width="690" height="282"><br/>

And if they were regulated then they would likely not be able to accept you :slight_smile:

It means spreads can go down to zero, not that they are actually zero. If they were zero then I would run away from this sort of gimmick as it would not be sustainable to run as a business model unless they did not do STP.

ya i realize that. I was mainly interested in the GBPNZD spread. thats the pair I usually trade, 5.7 pip spread isnt too bad compared to 9 pips on Oanda though. I may open an account and see how it goes…

One thing I like is their lack of fees for deposits and withdrawals. Do you know where they store client funds?