Going offshore to escape the CFTC

Thanks for the info

The CFTC has just added 71 brokers to their HIT LIST – the so-called CFTC RED List.

Two of the 13 brokers on [I]our List[/I] – [B]FinproTrading[/B] (UK) and [B]TradeWiseFX[/B] (SVG) – are on this Hit List.

Here is a screen-shot of the additions to the RED List. (Note: this is not the complete RED List.)

Here is the CFTC press release, issued today.

CFTC Adds 71 Names to Its List of Foreign Entities that Illegally Solicit U.S. Residents to Trade Binary Options and Forex

More on the Red List in a later post.

At that time, we’ll talk about what the RED List means to the brokers on it, to us (their clients), and to the future of retail forex trading in the U.S.


It took four government staffers just over a year to update this? What’s worse, is they didn’t bother to remove the dead ones. Worse than that, they are missing a few new ones I recently found (and am still checking out).

Trader’s Way and FxChoice have been on the RED list since Aug '15. I’m not too worried. Here’s the link to the full list which can be sorted.


Why pay 4% to use debit/credit? I sent TW $500 to open after Tallinex booted us and was charged $520. That was my last card transaction. Forever. Take the time to setup and understand Bitcoin. You won’t be disappointed.

Wow, that’s an impressive thread! Big thanks to all the contributors, much appreciated!

I have discussed bitcoins before on this thread but aaceofspades’s comment prompted me to do so again.I try to read as much as I can about the bitcoin and continue to harbour belief about its legitimacy. I’m surprised to see many here view that bitcoin is going to die and that FED/governments will shut it down. I think nothing could be further from the truth. I think in general any big company and any other currency can go down faster than Bitcoin today. As long as there is technological progress Bitcoin will be going up. Most tech companies submerged in Bitcoin believe its value will rise astronomically in decades. What makes them think that, perhaps time will tell. But as of date it is the easiest way send funds across and withdraw from offshore brokers for us, US traders, with CFTC choking offshore brokers/banks that accept funds from US traders. I think we should have a list of brokers that accept bitcoins or can research and let Clint know which brokers from the existing list accept bitcoins

I had a weird request to finalize my deposit, broker wants a picture of me holding the card. Just a visual picture. Is that normal?

It is normal. They are making sure that you are the owner of the card. When you upload the card you make sure that only the last four digits are visible. This will keep your card private and will prove to them that you are not using someone else’s​ card.

tallinex does that and now capital city markets require you show picture of you holding the card

Thanks for the replies, yea i did it and they finalized my initial deposit so no worries so far. I will let everyone know how this broker performs in my personal opinion.

I spoke with all the brokers from the A list to see who all accept BitCoins.

Here is what I found

[B]FinPro Trading[/B] : BitCoins Accepted as a payment method. Their client support says that a much more integrated solutions is coming out shortly. Will look forward to see their “Integrated Solution” when it is released.

[B]FX Glory[/B] : they use OkPay method (While making a deposit client must choose Okpay and after clicking on it sub methods will appear.). It is not more advantageous than just having an OKPay account.

[B]FXChoice[/B] : BitCoins Accepted as a payment method.

[B]Adamant Finance[/B]: BitCoins Accepted as a payment method.

[B]LQDFX[/B]: Yes. BUT For Bitcoin, you will be provided with their Bitcoin address to which you will deposit your funds that are then transferred to your trading account. Very basic set-up.

So far, its a good progress to see that 5 out of 13 odd brokers we have on the “A List” accept bitcoins. But I dont really see them using the true potential of BitCoins. Ideally, if these brokers get “Truly Integrasted” they can extend the ability to send / receive / buy bitcoins as well as fund the trading account with BitCoins.

Its great to see that there is healthy progress and these brokers are accpeting bitcoins.

Anyone else out there with experience in actually using BitCoins as a transaction method with these brokers.

Tradersway accepts BTC as deposits and withdrawals.

There’s also SimpleFX as well, the spreads are a bit high tho. However they do let you trade in the native BTC currency as well trade BTC.

Thanks for the update.

But trading with BTC as your account denominated currency would be a disaster. Assume that you are using 100% of margin on your account and BTC fluctuates by 10% (which is normal). There are a few brokers for example whaleclub who only give you a BTC denominated account which means that your account is subjected to BTC volatility.

Given the characterstics of BitCoins, it will be the future of offshore forex trading (with total safety from CFTC). We need to have some decent brokers who support bitcoin wallets within their ecosystem. My search is still on :slight_smile:

Any inputs readers ?

Yeah I wouldn’t want to trade FX in the native BTC currency either, but some do. 1broker.com has created a bit of a niche for themselves as well as simplefx. It’s just the spreads are higher then a cats a$$ lol.

Actually, the spreads at SimpleFx are very fair on the Forex pairs. Better than Tallinex and many others.

@whywescalp – Thanks for researching this.

I will add a [B]Bitcoin logo[/B] to the Group 1 Brokers that accept Bitcoin (when I get a Round Tuit).

@Cryptosurf – thanks for adding Trader’s Way to the Bitcoin list.


Hello Guys thanks for your great insight, my question is this…

I have recently started an account with Finprotrading and have enjoyed their service, so far I deposits a few hundred through coin base and money was in my account in 20 mins. Spreads have consistently been very low and the customer service has been spot on.

With that being said I’m not here to totally sing their praises but more ask your opinion,

I believe I’m ready to deposit a few thousand with them, but my concern was the fact that they
just made that list from a few posts back (RED LIST) and wasn’t sure what the implications would be for current clients. Not sure if i shouldn’t worry or if i should go with someone else, I’m all ears.

Has anyone else had a good experience with Finpro trading on a larger scale that could give me your honest opinion (and are they considered a trusted broker at this point clint?) I haven’t experienced withdrawals yet so i was wondering if anyone could vouch for them with withdrawals.

Right now I’m just looking for which broker I should trust with a larger percentage of my trading fund being that I have an account with Traders way as well and just want to hear from you guys before I deposited it to either.

Lastly is there any reason i should be hesitant to wire the money as compared to other means of transferring funds.

All-in-All just looking for someone to weigh in on finprotrading in-depth for me, and give me some perspective on the ideology when it comes to deposits.

Hello, idw5021

As you have correctly noted, [B]FinproTrading[/B] was recently added to the CFTC RED List. And your concern about what this might mean going forward is understandable. In my view, the RED List is worthless bluster on the part of the CFTC, and I think you can safely ignore it. More on that in a moment.

You mentioned having an account with [B]Trader’s Way.[/B] What you may not know is that Trader’s Way has been on the CFTC’s RED List since August 2015. And yet, in the 20 months since Trader’s Way [I]made[/I] the RED List, they have remained out of the CFTC’s reach, and we continue to consider Trader’s Way a TRUSTED BROKER.

My recent POST showed the latest additions to the RED List, but did not show the entire list.

Here’s a LINK to the entire CFTC RED List.

Find the box that says “Show 25 entries”, and change it to “Show All entries”.

Returning to my comment above that the RED List is CFTC bluster, this RANT was posted shortly after the CFTC released their original RED List in September 2015. I stand by the comments in that rant.

You asked whether FinproTrading is a trusted broker. In my opinion, they have proven their trustworthiness, and deserve the TRUSTED BROKER designation. But, I’m waiting for a consensus to form in this thread regarding FinproTrading, before applying the label to them.

Welcome to this forum, by the way!

And thanks for your contribution to this thread.


It really does not make any difference. If you see that so called “RED List” has brokers on it, that were added to red list a couple of years ago and are still operating normally. I personally wouldn’t read much into it

If the bank that you are sending money to if based in a major country and its a tier 1 bank then you really dont need much to worry about. If the broker is asking you to send money in Syria (for example) to a bank like AZBZCZ Bank then there is a problem.

Typically, based on my experience, it will be an inbetween situation, where either you are sending money to a tier-2 bank in a EU country or to a Tier-1 Bank in “Safe Haven” Islands or some sort of a combination of it.

Its really a catch 22 situation, if you think about it. We need an offshore broker BUT an Onshore bank (preferably a tier 1 bank). Which is almost a rare thing and if it is, it wont last for very long for all the obvious reasons. In a way we want an offshore broker to act and operate like a regulated broker but still be able to circumvent the rules of leverage and give us the cost advantage (read spread) that can make Oanda’s of the world wonder.

Think about this:

Even Lehman went broke, worse was MAN Financial, MF Global. Tier-1 onshore brokers with global presence, rated AAA (atleast during the good times) and went bankrupt because their management decided to do things that were not within the authorised activity.

To make things worse, technically speaking even your Fixed Deposits (or CD’s) are risky and subject you to the credit risk of the issuing institution. And think about treasuries, they get called soverign risk.

As per CAPM (capital asset pricing model), US treasuries are considered risk free and all the calculations for risk premia are based on it. US defaulted on its obligations in Aug- 2010 (my dates might be a little off) because of the debt ceiling, so even soverign risk isnt “Risk free”. Some call this black swan event, some call it tail risk while others just call it Risk.

Sorry for all my the emotions flowing over Risk and subject of risk. I think we are traders and our goal is to take risk so we can beat inflation in the long run and can make some money on our portfolio.

Technically, diversification is the key. Weather you are investing or choosing a broker or putting your money in the bank. Dont stick with Just one Broker. Diversify. These days you can easily get EA’s that will copy your trades realtime on multiple MT4 account, so whatever you trade on one broker will automatically get copied on another broker, so there is really not much disadvantage in diversifying. I would not keep all my money at one broker. However, I will still STICK with Clint’s A list because it has over 6 years of research into it and more than a few thousand comments contributing to the crux of the analysis.

On a lighter note, happy trading :slight_smile:

Thanks guys part of my concern was just trying to get info on them and running across people saying they got robbed and shot/ stabbed and everything else.
part of you starts to get sketched out but at the same time you try not to paint with a wide brush when it comes to bad feedback.

its either that or fall prey to the EVIL horde and their 1:50 leverage rules and 4 pip spreads haha

gotta stay in the fight like my guy clint says would say!

guess i gotta learn to be comfortable with the unregulated’s