Forex optimum - your review

I would highly recommend you not to start because it’s dangerous. However, if you want it so bad, the principle has been described earlier.

Yeah, they won’t recommend while making nice money. Are you afraid that somebody will earn more than you?

Wow, it’s impossible to please you. At first you suspected cheating; now you don’t want somebody to earn more than you. Are you paranoiac?

I’m not trying to dissuade you or make you to do something. If you are having profit now, just continue using you trading system. Then try to double the amount of deals and see what happens. If it’s all ok, continue increasing.

Can anybody explain me what is Pamm Masters? It doesn’t look like an ordinary PAMM, I just don’t understand the description.

As far as I understand, this is some kind of hybrid based on standard PAMM, but improved a little.

Their Pamm is more like a COPY service. Transactions are copied from the manager chosen to your account.

I wonder if copying goes for all transactions or you can choose from them? Additionally, what happens if trader takes a deal with 10-lot volume?

I think that in this case the deal is opened proportionally, depending on your and your manager’s deposit.

Well, as far as I understand, this is just a simple copy. Would be interesting to know why do they call it Pamm Masters? Why not Copy Masters?

The name doesn’t make any difference. The most important thing is that it works for traders, not against them.

What about cashing out? Do they actually do it in 24 hours? I do not believe.

Yeah, they cash out really fast – I would say not in 24 hours, but in 10. At least it has always been less than 10 hours.

Well, if you don’t have any privileges or relatives there, it really looks like they cash out fast for everyone.

Oops! Looks like my screenshot disappeared. Thought I had uploaded it. Ok. I’ll share it now.

You know what? I’ve stopped taking these screenshots for serious recently; too many fakes are made in Photoshop. Could you make a video capturing the same information as the screenshot, so all would know that it’s real?

Yeah, I can make a video, but there will be information that I don’t want to show. I can’t paint it in video as I don’t know how.

That’s what I’m talking about. Nobody can add something artificial on a video, but at the same time, data can be painted there as there is a special software for that.

Tell me please, you wanna just look at it or you are checking the broker before making a deposit?

As for me, I’ve opened Cent account, but I don’t mind to see some additional evidence in the broker’s favour.