Forex optimum - your review

That’s right, to be a good trader you don’t have to be pouring in thousands of dollars right off the bat and try to make profit, at the beginning a couple hundred will be enough to master your skill, later you can start trading big. Not long ago I withdrew a pretty large sum, the broker as always was quick to react without any delays.

Well, not a bad sum indeed. Tell me, how long did it take you to get to this kind of a result? And is it realistic to achieve such numbers in a year?

I don’t believe my results to be astonishing, but it’s good enough for now. It’s hard to say how long it’s taken to get to where I am now, but it’s been over a year for certain. It really all depends on how persevering and ambitious you are about it. If you have a lot of free time on your hands and a reliable broker like this one, then go for it.

I even believe that how reliable the broker is is actually the predominant factor here, you can spend the entire day in front of the terminal and not actually receive anything because of an unreliable broker.

That goes without saying, it took me a while to choose a company where I would like to trade, and I decided to go with this broker based on the good reviews I read about it online and the recommendations of my friends.

When I had just started trading here, my friends did not yet have accounts in this company, so I just based my decision on reviews made online and they didn’t let me down.

Well, you know, blindly just believing reviews is also not the best decision when choosing a broker. The best thing to do is open a cent account and begin testing it out yourself.

Well, I initially read some reviews after which I tried trading on a demo right away, if all was well, I went on to a cent account, by trial and error I got to this company)

Did you drain a lot of money on such experiments? I mean did you try out a lot of companies before beginning to fully trade with the current broker?

I didn’t count the exact amount, but over 20 for sure) All of them had their own advantages and disagvantages, but I chose this one because everything seems balanced here I guess.

You’re absolutely right about the balance. For example, my previous broker was not bad in terms of trading conditions, but at the same time he held up payments, but here the conditions are good and the payment is fast.

Well, since we’re talking about payments, I’m proud to say I’ve gotten yet another withdrawal, if I could only make this much closer to New Year’s, I’d have just enough for all the presents)

You boast a lot about withdrawals, don’t ya think?)

Why’s that strange? I’m just sharing my achievements with this broker. That’s what the thread is for to discuss the broker and share our impressions about it’s work, am I wrong?

Well, yes, you’re right, but you demonstrate your payments so often that I couldn’t help asking, but hey, you’re doing a good job and that’s why you get to withdraw profit so often.

I don’t know if I’m doing a good job or not, since I’m not withdrawing such big sums, and sometimes I have bad days, because forex is a live market, and the situation here can drastically change, but one thing is good, that I don’t have to worry about the payment being reliable, I just know the broker won’t let me down.

There is such a thing, and the trading conditions are decent, low spread and execution is excellent, in a word, I’m also satisfied with this broker) By the way, how has your new trading year begun?

Don’t know about you guys, but for me it hasn’t really started yet) I’m still preping myself, you might say, besides I think it’s best to begin trading closer to the end of the current month.

Really? Where did you get such strange ideas? The market is not demonstrating super volatility ofcourse at this point, but in the course of the day one can trade quite well, I can make 50 points a day easily. I’m already getting transfers this year, and you’re still waiting around for something)

Everyone has their preferences in trading, for instance, I began trading in the longterm and the assets that I trade with are not quick to demonstrate a steady trend, so far it’s out of the market.