Forex optimum - your review

That way you can accumulate a pretty good deposit. That’s if you don’t end up with drawdown. And with time the volume of the deal can be increased. With an increased lot profit will also be higher.

Has anyone of you gotten interested in managing a PAMM account? Can anyone recommend a good reliable one?

What is there to recommend? On the forex optimum site there’s statistics on executives, choose whichever one you like. No one can tell afterall, what you are looking for in an executive.

What can I expect from an executive? Profitable trading of course. Is there anything else one can expect from them?

Every executive has their own strategy, which is designed for getting some percentage of profit with a certain risk percentage. I don’t recommend to choose very risky traders.

I also agree that it’s best to earn less money, but at the same time not risking your funds. Another important parameter is how much profit will an account master take for himself. If he takes more than 25%, I wouldn’t agree to that either.

Anyway, in order to choose an executive, one has to take into account some very important factors.

Ok, I get it, thanks. I thought this is the simplest thing that could have ever been, but it turned out that it’s not that simple. I’m going to have to consider whether or not I need it.

There’s nothing difficult about which account manager to choose. You just have to set your priorities straight. If you’re ready to take risks - that’s one sector of managers. If you want a small profit with minimal risks of drawdown - that’s quite a different sector of managers.

At one time I used one of the manager’s services, and then he left and I stopped making money that way, I trade on my own. Sometimes it’s options, but most often it’s forex.

Why not just choose a manager who uses the risks and continue earning?

I think there’s a purely psychological factor here. There was a stable source of income. It’s silly to refuse it, so the person made a little money on it. At one time, the person that managed the account decided to stop their activity, that happens. And those who invested in it don’t have the desire to do a replenishment. I think it’s a trust issue.

Yes, that’s the way it is, I held money there only because I was sure of the result, and when the manager left, I decided to transfer the funds to my account.

Anyway, in choosing the executive you need some luck. It’s important not just to choose a good executive, but to enter in such a way, so that there wouldn’t be a drawdown at that moment. Do you believe in luck at all? :slight_smile:

Luck - is just a favorable passing of events, for some things turn out better, for others - worse. I believe in what can be touched and measured. But sometimes you also want to believe in something unusual, like luck for instance )))

I’ve been lucky the past two months, I hope that things will continue to be this way. In the past two months I’ve withdrawn twice 100 dollars of profit, and that’s taking into account that I always leave part of my profit on my deposit. Lucky? Yes, I am!

Yeah, you showed me the screenshot, where there was a withdrawal of 100 dollars, but there was just one there, or to be more exact there was just one withdrawal visible on the screenshot, where’s the second one? )

I guess the second withdrawal was done later, and that’s why it didn’t get on the screenshot, or the person just didn’t want to show all the withdrawals at once. Actually - such screenshots should be posted online, so that other users can see how the broker is doing, wether it’s withdrawing money, etc.

right guess, the second 100 dollar withdrawal was produced from forexoptimum later. It won’t be hard for me to show it too.

That’s all good, but you can’t get very far with luck alone, today it’s on your side but tomorrow it may not be.