
can u please suggest whether LMfx is a good broker or not??? Wanna to know your opinion as to their trading. Thanks

so far i cant say much, though my withdrawal was processed today, and nothing out of the norm so far, good broker never the less but as traders we always stay alert of course.

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I better say that the trading conditions are good so far with no complaints and withdrawals are easy too, yet i agree with the above statement that we should be very careful while trading with any broker and should update other traders too if they found anything unusual.

So LMFX have zero regulation…

Yes, completely unregulated, meaning they didn’t even bother to get a dodgy Caribbean regulation for show.

Check their ‘security of funds’ page on their website for a laugh:

"4. So will Clients get their money back if LMFX goes into liquidation?

In the event that LMFX is forced into liquidation, all funds designated as Client funds and held in the Client Accounts will be returned to the Clients as per the funds held on their behalf by LMFX minus any costs associated with administration and distribution of these funds."

“If there’s anything left after we rob you to pay our debts… and there won’t be… then we’ll pay our the rest to you.”

You couldn’t even make this up if you tried!

I guess this is a good found and can be helpful to other traders interested in trading with this broker.

LMFX - Is LMFX a regulated broker? Is it safe to deposit and trade with this online broker? | FAQ | Hercules - Forex, CFDs, Stocks, Commodities, Binary Options, Payments, True Finance

LOL never the less on a more realistic note (and i wont mind admitting a mistake it if happens) If **** happens we deal with it, yes its ok to cautious as traders, but at the same time its a basic matter or risking taking in anything we do on a daily basis, I am trading a small account with this broker on pure profit, made back my ROI in a matter of months with no problems, and yes profit withdrawals have been made. so i guess personally im good

nice to hear that! yeah its good so far… do keep us posted, thanks for the feed back

I got a question:
Can trader withdraw profit to a Skrill account that the email of that skill account different with LMFX account email?

I think it will be good to check from their customer support as they may allow withdrawal on your other skrill amount after ensuring that they are paying back to the same trader however not sure about it as never tried it before.

it wouldnt harm to have separate email for the account and the skrill, but just to be on the safe side and this is what i did, i added my account email to my skrill account, meaning my skrill have couple of emails that leads to the same skrill account. :slight_smile: i hope it helps

I have contacted CS and the result is you cannot do it, the email of deposit method and withdraw must be matched.

u mean deposit email and withdrawal should be the same, thats fair enough to avoid money laundring if im not mistaken, i guess another option it to close previous account and maybe open another one (skrill) i hope u get is sorted out

Does this broker have its own mobile trading software?

i would say like most brokers, the mobile app used is the MT app, the same company that created the mt4 and mt5, yeah i guess thats the same thing.

I think that trading is far easier on web trader rather than mobile devices as we can’t look at multiple screens at the same time while executing orders…

I still use the mobile up on the go, though im not sure if its still the same, i mean there was a time that execution did better on mobile that the actual platform, or it could be just my pc though, anyway it goes well both ways but mainly the analysis are done on mt4

Do you know you can use one table and one phone for checking the charts while using another one for executing the trade.

yeah thats another option really. havent tried it yet though.

Agreed but that is the reason i mentioned that why not use one PC resource to execute orders easily as mobile devices might be slower than a PC…

that can be a valid reason, well some moviles has a good reaction time to certain execution, im not techy, but there are times i find execution via mobile faster or maybe its my imagination lol.