Hey man.
Thats an interesting question. Actually, it so happens that lately I’ve read a really good sci-fi book. The main plot revolved around the so called “Economic Wars”. In a nutshell, it was about a world where markets are totally and utterly dominated by highly sophisticated computers, controlled by national governments and banks. Trading became so impossibly complicated that no human could hope to understand even a fraction of what was going on. Also, fundamentals and technicals no longer had anything to do with actual stock price. It was all about immensly complicated calculations, aimed not just on profits from trading, but also ensuring the economical domination of individual countries or unions, by destroying the economy of their rivals, bankrupting or buyng out enemy owned companies, cousing resource shortages, etc.
It was, of course, total mayhem, with economies going into recession and back in a span of days or weeks. Even more destructive than real war, which, by the way, became obsolete
Surprisingly, there were still little traders like us around, just that trading became TOTALLY unpredictible to humans, following no discernible rules, so it became just another way of gambling.
Not a very pretty picture to be sure.
As to your question of whether its possible for traders to become obsolete- I believe not. Small traders are a great source of additional capital and liquidity for larger players :D. Really, 95% of us are just a source of income for banks and brokers.
And we’re all in it in the hopes that we’ll one day join the 5% that actually take money from the system, instead of giving it…
BTW I’m new here, so I don’t know the rules by heart yet. If its cool to post the title and author of the book, just write me and I’ll do it