What the heck is it?

i just received that message from FXCM today. That is insane, do you (guys from other broker) recieved that message ?


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A major new NFA rule goes into effect after July 31, 2009 which affects all US regulated Forex Dealer Members. Forex traders will no longer have the ability to place stop-loss or limit orders. Nor will traders be able to modify or close trades from the Open Positions Window. As these features will be removed, all stop-loss and limit orders held on FXCM LLC accounts at the close of trading on July 31, 2009 will be deleted.

For clients with Managed accounts, please consult with your money manager prior to taking any action. These changes may not affect your money managers trading strategy.

Self Traded Accounts: Visit Now to learn how these changes impact you, and how you can use a new OCO entry order feature to manage your risk going forward. Alternative account options that will allow you to keep your current platform functionality are also available.

Was that an email from them? If it was it might just be spam/a scam or something. Stop-losses and limit orders are integral parts of trading. It would be a huge demotivation for current and future traders and could affect the industry.

I haven’t heard anything but I don’t think its real.

It just popped up on trading screen.

I just can’t believe any company would even think about removing those items. If that happens, I suspect most traders will move to non-US based brokers. I guess we’ll see Aug 1,

I just watch the video from the FXCM website. It is not that bad

We have to use OCO then, but good new, there is a new function of OCC

ex: Long Gbpusd: 1.6450 , now i have to LINK this order to OCO order
OCO: 1.6580 (limit), 1.6510 (stop loss)

More complication.

Just checked this out with my GFT forex account in Australia.

This stuff does not apply to me at all. :slight_smile:

I will be able to continue as usual. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Here is the notification being sent to FXCM Micro Account holders, regarding the latest stupidity from the NFA:

Dear Client:

A major new National Futures Association (NFA) rule goes into effect on August 1, 2009. This rule affects all U.S. regulated Forex Dealer Members. Forex traders will no longer have the ability to place stop-loss or limit orders. Nor will traders be able to modify or close trades from the Open Positions window. As these features will be removed, all stop-loss and limit orders held on FXCM LLC accounts at the close of trading on July 31, 2009, will be deleted.

FXCM has always encouraged active risk management through the use of stop-loss and limit orders. Stops and limits are two entry orders that are linked to an individual open position. If a stop or limit order is triggered then the other is canceled. FXCM has introduced a new feature called OCO (One Cancels the Other) entry orders, which will provide traders with the same functionality as stop and limit orders except they are not linked to any position.

For additional information, please visit the NFA FIFO (First in, First Out) Rules forum on DailyFX. We will be holding live question and answer sessions within the DailyFX forum.

The NFA, our industry’s self regulatory organization in the United States, has adopted Compliance Rule 2-43(b). This rule requires orders be executed First In, First Out (FIFO). FIFO requires that when multiple positions are held in the same currency pair, the position which was first opened will be the first to be closed. Stop-loss and limit orders do not comply with FIFO.

The NFA’s stance is that FIFO provides more transparency to customers by offering a more accurate picture of the P/L than viewing the results of individual positions. This brings the forex market more in line with the practices of the futures and equities markets.

While FXCM acknowledges the NFA’s concern and obligation to protect clients, FXCM would like to extend an option to those who would like to continue using stop-loss and limit orders, and who understand the underlying implications. Traders can transfer their accounts to Forex Capital Markets Limited (FXCM UK) and continue to place stop-loss and limit orders and maintain the ability to modify and close orders from the Open Positions window.

If you wish to maintain your current platform functionality, you can trade through FXCM UK, which is regulated by the Financial Services Authority in the UK.

If you wish to transfer your trading account to FXCM UK, please complete the one page form.


Important Notice: If you completed the transfer form, your account will be operational prior to the implementation of the new NFA regulations. You will be notified via e-mail when your account is transferred.

Your account number and password will remain the same and your open positions will remain intact. Moving an account to FXCM UK involves some changes in deposit and withdrawal instructions, and changes in charges for transferring funds. However, FXCM UK clients have the option to send funds to a bank in the United States and fund via credit card. MYFXCM.com will also be available.

I trade with Ac-markets, they are a SWISS BROKER
Ps: stop loss orders are necessary, I always place them. What if your computer fails or your internet connection does???

Stoplosses are not really going away, it’s basically just a change in terminology and a change in the way they are handled by the broker.

You’ll still be able to set orders to close out if the trade goes down x number of pips. :slight_smile:

Oh thanks! I got a little freak out when I saw that post� hihi
I don�t use that broker, so I didn�t get that message�