What do you guys look like?

Hey guys and gals I always wonder what do you look like? Its funny cozz I have my own mental pictures but if you are brave and you want to then show me your face :smiley:

Hey Johnny

I never imagined you with horns.

Who’s that guy standing beside you?

Can you see me in this picture? :smiley:

Clint you crack me up!!!

I ain’t askeered;P

This was over the holiday weekend. Pardon the lax dress code…

Hmmmm… Just posted a pic up. The post had an attachment (duh… the pic), and got a prompt informing me that the post would have to be viewed first by a moderator.

I suppose it is an attempt to beat the spam hounds, but having a post with an attachment linked directly to this site should be no problem.


C’mon guys we love ya, but there are better ways to beat spam than this…

You’ll be forever looking at charts, and pics.

Soooooo… I can embed a pic from an outside source, but the site won’t let me post a picture hosted on here without a review…:confused:

Kinda self defeating.

My look changes depending on my mood. To no surprise, the markets have a knack at determining that.

I’m Winning! :slight_smile:

I’m Losing :frowning:


Where’s the break even relief photo?:stuck_out_tongue:

Motley crew?

Diverse, if nothing else:D

So diplomatic.

awesome guys!!! This is fun.

Hey Master Tang!

Oh no. Sorry about that! You are absolutely correct, that is our new spam killer. It’s doing a pretty awesome job except that it caught some stuff it wasn’t supposed to. But we’ve tweaked it now and should be working as expected. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the feedback! If you find something else that you think isn’t working right, just let us know! Send me a PM, email us at <[email protected]> or create a thread under Bugs and Suggestions!

So come on Ananais - show us a piccie!

I second that!!!

See why I have to use an avatar?!

See why I have to use an avatar?!

hahaha!!! very funny :smiley:

Breakfast anyone?!

I guess my avatar was supposed to be me.