Disktrading historical data

Has anyone purchased this data, or know anything about it? I’m not sure if I’m at 50 posts yet, so I won’t post a link to it. There is a company selling historical data on many instruments across several different markets (with ‘disktrading’ in the URL) that claims to have a good amount of intraday and even tick data. The price is definitely right if the data is good.

I’m wondering if this data is different than what you can get from meta quotes through most MT4 instances. I’ve heard that the intraday data has gaps that are comparable to what you will find in the meta quotes data, but those sources are third-hand.

OK, I’m definitely past 50 posts, so here is the link:


Well I went ahead and bought this data, but haven’t had too much time to really analyze it. I have some code that will look over a csv candlestick data file and tell you what % of the data is present along with the date range of the largest gap. So far, the intraday data definitely has some holes, but none of the gaps are large enough for me to be too concerned. Depending on your needs, this data could be a good purchase. I’ll post some more info once I go through the data a bit more.

I purchased data from disktrading.com several months ago but the discs never arrived and it seems the owner Iavor Kindekov is now unresponsive after multiple contact attempts. Has anyone else experienced issues with this provider?

Oh god, I was hoping i wouldnt find a post like this. I purchased data from them also and got the same deal. I have used them before and it was fine but that was about 3 years ago. What have you done about it? Did you ever get the data and/or a response? Did you manage to get your money back?

I was able to download some of the data but never received the discs unfortunately. Iavor has gone AWOL or gave in to the dark side… It’s not a pleasant feeling getting ripped off, this thread will hopefully serve as a warning to prospective customers.

The strange thing is that there was a summer sale so its not like the business has been inactive for that long. I mean maybe he was hit by a car or something but the odd thing right now is it seems the disktrading email addresses all get bounced at the moment so there is literally no way of contacting him.