Forex Tester 2 Accuracy

Hello fellas,
i tested this strategy with alpari UK tickdata+floating spread in the 15min chart.
It’s a 5 pip scalping strategy.
How representative are the results? As it really depends on 1-2 pips sometimes.

I personally use Forex Tester 2 to test discretionary systems and I have found the results to be reliable, well as reliable as back testing can be compared to the real deal. Now 5 pips is quite tight in spot, i would suggest futures. Also it seems here you only tested between April and October. which is not a large enough data set. at least 5 years would be required in my book. Bottom line: i believe forex tester 2 is a great tool that can be used to do good back testing. But from what i can see your data set is narrow and your targets are small so a larger time period and possibly looking into futures would be a better bet.

If you need professional forex tester and optimizer, I can recommend this one:

[li]You do not need to rewrite strategy from MQ4 or M5 to other programming language.
[/li][li]High speed fpor optimization.
[/li][li]Converter mq4 to ex5 (fully automated)