Forex is too, risky so why you still doing trading

True, Forex trading is risky. As to why I’m still trading, it’s really quite simple – I enjoy it and I am getting better at it. I think. :smiley:

The market can be risky if you don’t know what you are doing or if you have a gambling nature :smiley: The type of people who decide that they can make a significant amount of money in a short time is what leads to disaster and eventually people think that the market itself is risky and that is why we all lose. However this is not the case. With enough time spent on learning and gaining enough experience trading can become a routine in which the risk is set to minimum.

I don’t mind taking on some risk to achieve greater returns (than i’d get in a bank account)! But, if you are still bashing your head against a wall and losing time after time after time, you need to step back and reconsider.

Forex is not risky at all. The choice to enter a small lot size trade is always available. Culprit lies in each individual risk appetite.

The amount that an aspiring trader chooses to risk does not inherently affect that trading (of all terms) is a risky activity.

As a trader you do not know the outcome of each and every trade, this is clearly risk. The amount of your capital that you risk on this ‘bet’ is down to you and does not influence the market.

I disagree. There is a difference between someone who always utilise full margin in trading versus someone who always risk 1% margin.

In forex trading, either you are a profitable trader or not. Risk of losing varies from person to person.It is not the activity of trading that makes forex risky. it is the person doing the trading that determines whether forex trading is a risky activity at all.

It is like rock climbing with or without a safety line. The choice we make determine how risky the activity becomes.

And you think this makes Forex less risky? The only aspect that this changes is that of the traders profile, not the inherent risk of the FX markets?

It doesn’t matter if you risk everything on one trade or 0.01% of your equity on each trade - the risk is still present in the markets.

It is not the activity of trading that makes forex risky. it is the person doing the trading that determines whether forex trading is a risky activity at all.

This statement is totally misdirected - again the person trading an FX account does not change the fact that FX trading involves risk. Yes the person can try and mitigate risk by exposing an edge, however this edge is always built upon past performance. As we know, past performance does not have to repeat in real time.

And no, trading FX is certainly not like rock climbing

Indeed … I think people caught out by the Swiss Franc débacle a couple of years ago (among many others) will attest to that.

No, I suppose not, really: the shoes are different, for a start …

On second thought, perhaps you are right.

I guess maybe everytime the moment we speculate about certain matter. The act itself becomes a risky activity.

Trading smaller lot size only help to mitigate the risk. This is a fact. i can’t deny that.

Maybe i am just in denial. I am starting to become delusional. ( With or without safety line also doesnt change the fact that rock climbing is a risky activity )

I think the key phrase we are searching for here is “we can TRY to mitigate risk”, as you quite correctly said. The reality is though, we are simply transferring risk from one area into another (which we perhaps dont have covered as well).

I totally get that when a trader becomes successful it’s easy to say that they know how to reduce the risk of the FX markets; although the reality is that they are taking calculated decisions based on the risk that is already in the markets - risk can’t be removed in it’s true definition.

Jeez guys. Trying to start forex trading. Your responses aren’t too reassuring to continue this path. Have you made profit through forex trading or not? Also whats the probability of forex trading compared to, lets say, black-jack or slots?

Yes, Forex trading is risky! But, it’s not impossible! If a trader has profitable trading strategy with enough money management and risk management knowledge, then everything is possible for him/her! Pro traders can monitor their risk percentage so perfectly! As a result, they don’t damage huge amount equity in their live trading! Besides, risk is involved in every business either it’s online or offline!

Main challenge in trading is not to art of opening winning orders, but to keep control over your losses, which can quickly run out of control if you don’t use stop loss or try to outstay the market if it moves against you.

Forex trading has plenty of challenges - risk control, money management, discipline, taking the time to learn how to trade without rushing it, learning how to be confident in your analysis, and so on and so forth. It’s not just one main challenge.

Yes correct, besides all those. Emotion is v important also. U hv to really know yourself very very well… R u the patience kind of person or the Eagle kind of person. Even if u have a super good order placing everything went on smoothly until suddenly the price go against u…? What will u do? Your mind is controlling your emotions or emotions over your mind? Just relax observe slowly don’t revenge trading when have losing trade.

I completely believe that it is common sense only that any business big or small is going to have risk to certain levels; it is just not done with risk free. We just need to make sure we trade with confidence and careful approach; it is something that is going to lead us towards great benefits and will also help up with consistency. If we are negative all the time then we will not be able to go too far ahead in the race.

I agree forex trading is a risky business in fact risk is an essential part of every business. But we cannot deny the fact that in order to earn profits taking risk is must. More the risk means more the profits. Provided one must properly know the adequate risk management techniques.

No pain no gain

To answer the original question, I continue trading because I find it an interesting, engaging activity that challenges me to think and adapt quickly to an ever-changing market. It’s something I enjoy.

Higher risk=higher profit
Thats why were doing it