Andrew Mitchem's Course

Just wondered if anyone has heard of him and/or tried out his system. I’m very interested in it and would like to get some feedback before purchasing. Thank you very much everyone

My advice is to stay clear of it and not waste your money on those things. Most of the info you can get for free and you are much better advised putting that money in a micro-account and lose it all as you learn how to trade.

Almost +1 :slight_smile: My friend thelastbear is right about a lot of courses you pay for. I was on a webinare today where they were selling a course on how to use fibonacci for over $300. You can search Fibonacci on Utube and get everything available on fib for free. If you do decide to pay for a course make sure the course matches up with the type of trader you are. Next make sure you have access and support from the person offering the course. Sometimes the support after the course is worth many times more than the actual course they’re selling. Now where my friend the bear and I differ. No matter how experienced you are I believe you should always trade with a demo account, until you have a working knowledge of the platform, broker and program you are trading with.

Never heard of him or about his systems. Don’t follow people without much reputation and don’t waste your money

Almost +1, that’s a first :slight_smile: Looks as we agree on most key aspects at least pre-trading.