Carney, Draghi, Abe or Bernanke?

I am sure all of you have at least heard of the above gentlemen and either praises them for being somewhat intelligent or laughs at them for being ridiculously idiotic.

How would you rank them from best to worst?

Here is my list:

  1. Carney (I have to give him the benefit of doubt since he just started out this month)
  2. Draghi (He tries to keep the ECB as independent as possible and I can applaud him for that)
  3. Abe (He returned from the political grave only to do the same, but at least he returned)
  4. Bernanke (the cream of the crop as far as idiocy is concerned, at least in my book)
  1. Carney (he may have just started at BOE this month but he’s been the BoC govenor for awhile where he’s been doing a solid job).

  2. Abe

  3. Bernanke

  4. Draghi

I agree with ILovePizzaMore on his ranking. I believe Carney deserve the first place on the best list…

Looks like we all agree on #1 so far :slight_smile: