How many pips do you need a month to make a living - realistically

Sometime, if you ask better questions you’ll get better answers. :wink:

For example, the question [B]“How much money do you need per month to provide an income?”[/B], asked on a worldwide internet forum might not have a simple straight forward answer now would it?

Maybe you should take a moment and think about what feedback you’re really looking for and then try to come up with a better question.

Realistically, you ****ed before at all started with forex …

[B]Question 1, what is good salary for you '. [/B]

Example I earn between $ 100-120 k in year, two months of vacation …

Should I replace this with a forex life, I need between $ 1-2 million,

  • I will master realistic yield 7-15% a year …
    to cover less months and good months …

No warranty sick pay and pension bla bla …

Forex is a passionate hobby for me but I have not the sums required to maintain my lifestyle as simple as that …

Most people will not genders this simple math realistic-piece …
Another thing to trade with 100 K’s no problem for me ,but what happens when the amount is 1000 K and my wife my children depend on what I earn in trading,!!!

I think its a straight forward question:
Are people finding more success with strategies with
Small pip profit and stop loss
With larger 100 pip profit and stop loss
It seems some who comment do not tried trading different strategies?

Please could those who are successful traders tell their profit and stop loss on each trade.

I have had only one real answer saying they use 5pip profit and stop loss.

Again, you’re being too black-and-white here Paul.
Trading FX isn’t something where you’ll ever be able to definitively say “I use a 5pip stop loss and 10pip target for EVERY single trade I make”- that’s not how it works.
Price action will always dictate where stops/limits need to be placed- and no two trades will ever be the exact same.
That being the case, it’s impossible to answer your question in terms of x amount of pips for a stop/target.

Stops/Limits need to be placed around logical support/resistance zones.

There is no way to answer if someone has more success trading “small pip profit and stop loss” vs. “larger 100 pip profit and stop loss”.

New traders get so focused on “pips” that they completely lose sight of what trading is all together.
It’s about the process and the journey, not about the results.
It’s about challenging yourself psychologically and coming out the other end a strong individual.

100 pips to you may be a 1% gain on ROI.
100 pips to me may be a 10% gain on ROI.

Pips are absolutely meaningless by themselves and are the absolute worst measure of a system’s success.
You need to focus on risk management and finding a strategy which works for “who you are” according to your time and capital restraints.

You need around 4k a month for living in US…that’s how much you need to earn Personal income in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe its just how I think but as long as your trading system gains you say 400pips a month.
That can equal £400 a month at £1 a pip or
£4000 a month at £10 a pip.

Maybe its just me but as long as each month I’m earning pips then I’m happy and the money is scalable according to your trading account balance.

Thanks for everyone’s input.
I’ll stick to my 400-600pip a month strategy then, just was hoping someone may say they find their 20pip a month strategy as successful to tempt me to find a strategy for this method too.

I like finding new profitable strategies and then offering these to others, I actually seem to enjoy finding the next new strategy more exciting then actually trading it???

Is this crazy? Maybe I’ll put up a post regarding that question.

Any questions about my strategies please email me on <[email protected]>

Don’t be shy, go ahead feel free to share your successful 400-600pip a month strategy right here for the benefit of all of us.

Otherwise it might look like your whole thread “[I]How many pips do you need a month[/I]” was just a BS scam to pass along your email address. :58:


Best off luck bro, you’re going to need it.

I don’t know why some members are so hostile?
Some members are very negative and also some seem to not know as much about trading as they may appear. Real succesful strategies have taken a lot of work and time to find I’m not personally going to just publish it to everyone, only those who appreciate the hard work it takes to find a real strategy would understand that.

I joined baby pips to get some of my questions answered and also to help others not make the same mistakes I did.

I wonder why so many of us fail when we first start with the lack of real support for new traders, we all get told these popular so called working strategies that look great when the results are cherry picked, but as soon as you apply them you see they hardly work.

Seems like you want to put off those who are really trying to help other traders.

Safe and Consistent trading is all about money management.
It all depends on lot sizing… Risk:reward… etc…
I trade for 10 pips a day and i trade only once a day… translates to about 160-200 pips a month. that’s enough for me.

And yea, its not about pips, its about money.
600 pips with micro lots means nothing ($60)… and with strandard lots is a “LOT”! (at least in my country)

Hey paullt :slight_smile:
Since 2007 I make my living in Germany trading forex.

I use daily charts. My SL is always 100 Pip. I trade the seven majors (sometimes 2-3 minors too). Under normal circumstances I make about 400-600 pips a month. It’s a relatively simple thing but it has been more complicated in the last years. 2008/2009 was more volatile :wink:


Thanks azzkirk and hoehni the kinda of comments I was looking for. Anymore like this are welcomed.


Yeah its true about lot size, but if your strategy offers more pip profit per month you can use a lower lot size and make more money.

For example if at £1 a pip:
Strategy that provides 500pip a month = £500 a month
A Strategy that provides 100pips a month at £1 a pip = £100 a month

So I like higher pip profit strategies so
500pips at £10 a pip earn £5000 a month etc

But that’s just my feelings and strategy I like using.

But it was good to know I’m not the only one.

Hostile or just plain honest bro? Will quite happily sugar coat everything for you if you like. Trading is such a lonely game and you will need to learn much if not everything by yourself regardless of the wealth of information that is available. Each and everyone’s trading style is personalized and unique. That’s why the question you ask is in reality void. I trade the 70 tick chart, make 5 to 10 pips a trade and with my MM that represent 2% to 5%. If I get a trade on at a news event this can shot up to 25+%. But man my hearts a pumping and the adrenalin is flowing. And I love it. But my trading style and plan won’t suit 95% of traders out there. But its what you have to do if you want to make a living out of forex. If your here to protect and grow your investment then its a different ball game and what I make in a trade you would be happy if you made in a month. It comes down to your own personal goals

As for strategy bro, what are you afraid off in sharing. First there is not a one strategy fits all out there and secondly, even if you published it in a newspaper most traders wouldn’t have the discipline to follow it. From the sound of it your stategy would not meet my goals. Focus on the process not the result my friend.

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Yes, I agree with you… generally, the amount of pips is correlated directly with the lot size that the trader is using. The smaller the lot size the bigger the amount of pips IMHO.

The best way is to use risk to reward ratio… this way you don’t have to worry about your pips and only focus on your strategy/entry. Dynamic SL & TP is a great way to go.

I am newbie in trading so my target per day won’t be too high. I just targeted about 10-30 pips daily, usually I got 15-20 pips.

At a dollar a pip I need 5000 pips a month at $10 a pip I need 500 pips a month and at $20 a pip I only need 250.

Lonely game? Maybe not so much, we have babypips forum, don’t we?:wink:

I would say you’re doing GREAT at 50-100 profit per day. OR you could just trade Binary Options like me. MUCH better if you don’t have 5 figures to start with.

If you’re referring to 50-100 PIPS profit per day, I’d completely disagree as that being an accurate measure of someone doing “great” vs “not-so-great”.

Pips are an absolutely meaningless measure of a trading systems’ pure profitability on their own.

Trader A can make 100 pips a day, which is equivalent to 2% ROI.
Trader B can make 10 pips a day, which is equivalent to 2% ROI.
Trader C can make 30 pips a day, which is equivalent to 6% ROI.