What annoys you most in Forex

I think if you can control over trade and can place your trade when market moving in the right direction then you can get good profit and chances of loss are minimum.

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  1. Broker spread
  2. The amount of misinformation in the industry

I think the most annoying thing for me is when there is no market movements. :d

I totally agree and sideway markets.


when I intented to close the orders but bum… bad news and the market goes crazy.
the point is i winned at first.

Almost all the traders have only one thing in common to complaint is about the losses that they make and the reasons for the losses may vary. But getting annoyed will further make you more losses. Leave the emotions behind and trade logically.


Well, it is the chaotic unpredictable nature of the market. But then, the solution to chaos is easy. Since we do not know which direction it will go, we bet the MAIN trend. However, we also hedge our position in case the market tries to differ. (1) We make money no matter which direction it goes. (2) We also make money when market reverses its position. Therefore, we make double the money from the chaos.

Another solution is to wait patiently if you are too scared to hedge meaning you don’t know what you are doing. For example, as of May 12 2016 the AUDUSD is falling like crazy and you have a long or buy position. However, this does not call for panic.

WITH ADEQUATE capitilization or RESERVED, you can use DOLLAR averaging concept borrowed from stock market to BUY LONG big lots when the market is at the end of its rope. When falling too much, an anomaly is triggered. The AUDUSD will fall becoming overly exhausted at 70 or a little lower. Players with adequate RESERVES can take advantage and nail AUDUSD for next to nothing cheap low prices. And thus, the market will taste its own medicine and smart players end with BIG BIG profits.

WHAT ANNOYS me is that, too many players lose with out taking advantage or using the two above solutions!!!

For clarity purpose, I did not say AUDUSD will fall to 70 or lower. What I am saying is that if AUDUSD falls to 70 or lower, it will become exhausted. And if you LONG 10 lots or so at point of exhaustion, you are bound to make BIG time easier profit.

Notice another beneficial anomaly: the lower AUDUSD goes, the lower your risk will become and the more your reward will become! Profit on it!

I am experienced so it is up to you to believe me or not. Of course unless you want to believe a noob proclaiming utter nonsense like below:

I am annoy because OTHERS are always profiting. It is always OK for others to profit. It is not OK for me to profit because when I profit, it creates inflation around the world. But there is no inflation when others profit.

How come when others succeed or profit, they are worship as GENIUSES? When I start to succeed, it creates only inflation in the world. I am always impeded unfairly.

Therefore some aliens must be capping my profits. Aliens are always unfair.

Your rather believe a noob???

:v poor you, and poor me as well. :))))

Loss really annoys me here in forex trading industry. But i make sure that i’ll make the most out of it. So now, i can earn good profit.

One more thing that annoys me is when mus strategy did not work for me to get profitable trading. And i hope in the nearest time i can make better plans to get huge profit.

that mot of the time i hear about how hard it is and you can lose by trading instead of providing solutions, i would really like to have some positivity about trading in forex so that i can build my career in it.

Piplex, the solutions to failure are out there. The problem is far too many new traders ignore the solutions until its too late, then they complain that the system, brokers, fed, scammers, Uncle Tom Cobley and all, are against them

the most annoying is surprised by unexpected economic news

I agree with that. Random big spikes you’re not prepared for can ruin you. The answer is to be always prepared.

I’m surprised how many traders have blinkered views. Anyone using a different system or with different opinions to them gets abused.
I thought this was a grown up forum but it seems trolls are everywhere on the Internet

Stop Hunts is what drives me crazy!

The thing I hate about FOREX is getting calls from all other brokers around the world.

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