Top twenty posters in the BabyPips community

Not long to go, either.

(Maybe 4,000th should be about rubies, 5,000th about gold and 6,000th about diamonds, on the “wedding anniversary principle”, multiplied by 100 - but you’ve contrived to take them out of order!) Looking forward to it anyway, and many thanks for your tireless contributions. :cool:

congrats bombmaniac

Marriage is soh last year’s flavour :wink:

Thanks Dr. Lexy, but if quantity be my record, yours be quality…

I think it’s BS. We need a second vote from the audience :slight_smile:

So what exactly you will get when you’ve reach 5k post? Yea, I agree majority of them are not around except Clint and bobmaninc and What happen to Mr peterma?

I wonder what you get. I know when I hit 1000 I got a sticker and a shirt. Then after I hit 2000 I figured I would get a bill for them having to put up with me for so long. Now I think they just accept the fact I am like a bad cold and will never go away and even if I did I will just come back eventually.

Wow, that’s a lot of posts :slight_smile:

PipNRoll…Peterma is alive and well, worry not :slight_smile:


They do not give gifts anymore when you become an honorary Fx Man/Woman…

I would love to hear my doorbell ring at the very moment that I posted my 5000th entry…

I doubt I will get that … or a card from the Queen…

I wonder what BabyPips could offer to members reaching a certain benchmark (2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 10000 posts); here are some of my suggestions:

  1. a free one-to-one mentoring session with one of the FX-Wo/Men;

  2. a private tour of BabyPips offices (flights paid);

  3. a t-shirt/mug/etc. with the official BabyPips logo and signed by all the FX Wo/Men;

  4. moderator status on Babypips;

  5. a one-year free professional trading platform subscription (e.g. TradingView).

What would YOU like to get?

Currently on BabyPips

out of 346060 users there are only

79 honorary FX Men/Women, that is

users who have posted at least one thousand times…

The number seems even smaller when you subtract

the various pros in that number, such as

2ndSkiesForex, DailyFX, etc.:

this means that the vast majority of users either

post less frequently or dip in and out of

the forums, perhaps registering to ask a couple of

questions and then leave…

From a longevity point of view, and the

benefit of keeping members in engaging

for longer periods with contributing to the

forums, this is not a good outlook, so I wonder

what could be done to encourage people to

contribute more…hence the idea I suggested of

small prizes as a recognition of their time…

Here you go…

I love it!!

Don’t give up hope so easily. Will Scotland be in/out of EU/GB…the Queen needs your vote! :smiley:

P.S. Feeling so humbled by all this talk of posts measured in multiple thousands i just [I]had [/I]to post this to reach my 400! :smiley:

Regarding recognition, I am not so interested in the pure quantity. Whilst there are posters like yourself who have consistently contributed wiselyand beneficially, there are other big time posters who post mainly triviality and even antagonistic postings that deserve no honours at all.

One alternative would be recognise number of thanks/likes returned - but that has a habit of forming inner circle groupings similar to mutual “like” clicking on Facebook.

But I really do like that Eddieb’s mug! Superb!


So that she can “purr” again!

Thank you also for your 400 very-high-quality posts, Manxx: your experience and insight speak volumes. :cool:

I am experiencing Referendum fatigue!

Funny :slight_smile:

That is so true: quality over quantity, any time (sometimes, less is more)!

Agreed :slight_smile:

Well, thanks! :slight_smile: that is very nice to hear (although I am fairly skeptical of that myself!!). But to argue with you about that would be to criticise your [I]own [/I]intelligence and judgement - and I would certainly never want to do that! :slight_smile: so I will humbly and modestly accept the compliment! :8:

1 Like

Your posts are no less valuable… You should both be sent an Eddie Mug instantly

(post count revised to order) :slight_smile:

You too? :wink:

It was Laura Kuenssberg for whom I felt most sorry: I’ve seen her cover early morning press-conferences in various UK cities, report live from Brussels at lunchtime on [I]The Daily Politics[/I] and then be back in London the same evening to offer informed analysis in the [I]Newsnight[/I] studio, while also simultaneously making documentaries and writing columns and blogging … and still constantly appearing perfectly well turned out, calm and friendly. I don’t know how she does it, but the BBC certainly landed on their feet when they “took a chance” by replacing Nick Robinson with her.

She is fantastic - and so was Robinson.

I truly wonder what deal will be made in the end out of Brexit.

Yes, they’re both very, very good at their jobs. Even her shoes are quite nice (though admittedly not quite in the Katie Derham league, and I don’t think she plays the violin, either … well, she wouldn’t have time, would she?).

Yes, indeed … well, at the moment Liam Fox and Boris are apparently at loggerheads over “which civil servants work for whom”. (I do see Liam Fox’s problem, with all the “international trade” people still sitting in the Foreign Office rather than in his new department. But I suspect there might be a bit of “empire building” involved in the altercation, too?). Who knows what they’ll make of it all, and how it will affect us (I’m keeping my Euros, anyway, to spend at home, for what they’re worth, which may not be very much by the time I ever get back there)??

Hi PNR, good to hear from you.

Hope all is going good, I’m still here, ol’ timers are hard to get rid of :slight_smile: