EUR all time high?


I am seeing / hearing everywhere that the EUR is at a ‘lifetime high’ against the GBP i.e. 0.7500 BUT in November 1995 (on my weekly and monthly charts at Delta) the EUR/GBP spot price reached 0.9019 (Bid) so how can this be??? Somebody is wrong BUT WHO???

For what it’s worth I MAY have found the answer to my own question: Currencies

From what I gather the GBP is at its lowest against the EUR SINCE the EUR was adopted as the single European currency in 1999 i.e. the current rate is NOT a ‘lifetime low’ but rather the lowest since 1999.

Comments welcome and appreciated.

Well yeah sice this a pair we’re looking at, we have to aknowledge both parts. GBP is ages older than EUR. What your charting software showed you is probably a recalculation/simulation… sort of a “what might have happened” :slight_smile: . I am curious though as to how they come up with those values…

I don’t have the answer but I’ve attached the chart ‘for fun’!!!

(The date on the label refers to the month start by the way and not the actual date i.e. I don’t know what the actual day was and the daily charts don’t hold enough data to back that far i.e. too many bars on the daily).

eurgbp monthly.bmp (944 KB)

Huh, then it must be some monthly estimate or something. Would have been cool to have some sort of simulated history…

Here’s something more freaky.

I had no idea that this could get interesting!!!

Here - take a look at these two threads:

BBC NEWS | UK | Politics | History of the euro


History of the Euro

Actually - if you just do a Google search for ‘history of the euro’ - there’s pages and pages about it!!!

“1979: The European Monetary System (EMS) is created, with the exchange rate mechanism (ERM) defining rates in relation to the European Currency Unit (ECU), a quasi-currency representing an average of participating currencies.”

Lol… so this is how things stand… damn, I was played all along… I always thought I was older than the Euro. :stuck_out_tongue:

So there is some truth to those quotations… nice of metatrader devs to add some history to our charts. Although not much good to us now, really.

EDIT: Huh, according to the second link, the Euro was quoted higher in 92’ than at the time of launch in 99’. That’s six years. Lol. Freaky stuff.