EA to close all open orders

I must be really missing something here. I’ve coded the following, but it only closes the orders if the manual confirmation is active and I hit close in the confirmation box. Otherwise, it sometimes closes 1 out of 4-6 open orders, sometimes closes none. The alert line verifies that all the variables are set correctly, but it just won’t close the orders. HELP!

        Alert("Profit is ",profit);
                    case OP_BUY       : OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_BID),0,0);
                    case OP_SELL      : OrderClose( OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_ASK),0,0);
                Alert("Closing order # ",OrderTicket()," which is in position ",x);
                Alert("Error # ",GetLastError());

You know I found some code that allows you to have key board shortcuts. One of the features is to close all orders. i can’t get this thing to work though, I put it in meta editor and complied it but I can’t figure out how it works. Take a look at it and see if you can figure it out.

//| Keyboard.mq4 |
//| Codersguru |
//| |
#property copyright “Codersguru”
#property link “http://www.meatrader.info

#property indicator_chart_window

#import “user32.dll”
bool GetAsyncKeyState(int nVirtKey);

#define KEYEVENTF_KEYUP 0x0002

#define VK_0 48
#define VK_1 49
#define VK_2 50
#define VK_3 51
#define VK_4 52
#define VK_5 53
#define VK_6 54
#define VK_7 55
#define VK_8 56
#define VK_9 57
#define VK_A 65
#define VK_B 66
#define VK_C 67
#define VK_D 68
#define VK_E 69
#define VK_F 70
#define VK_G 71
#define VK_H 72
#define VK_I 73
#define VK_J 74
#define VK_K 75
#define VK_L 76
#define VK_M 77
#define VK_N 78
#define VK_O 79
#define VK_P 80
#define VK_Q 81
#define VK_R 82
#define VK_S 83
#define VK_T 84
#define VK_U 85
#define VK_V 86
#define VK_W 87
#define VK_X 88
#define VK_Y 89
#define VK_Z 90

#define VK_LBUTTON 1 //Left mouse button
#define VK_RBUTTON 2 //Right mouse button
#define VK_CANCEL 3 //Control-break processing
#define VK_MBUTTON 4 //Middle mouse button (three-button mouse)
#define VK_BACK 8 //BACKSPACE key
#define VK_TAB 9 //TAB key
#define VK_CLEAR 12 //CLEAR key
#define VK_RETURN 13 //ENTER key
#define VK_SHIFT 16 //SHIFT key
#define VK_CONTROL 17 //CTRL key
#define VK_MENU 18 //ALT key
#define VK_PAUSE 19 //PAUSE key
#define VK_CAPITAL 20 //CAPS LOCK key
#define VK_ESCAPE 27 //ESC key
#define VK_SPACE 32 //SPACEBAR
#define VK_PRIOR 33 //PAGE UP key
#define VK_NEXT 34 //PAGE DOWN key
#define VK_END 35 //END key
#define VK_HOME 36 //HOME key
#define VK_LEFT 37 //LEFT ARROW key
#define VK_UP 38 //UP ARROW key
#define VK_RIGHT 39 //RIGHT ARROW key
#define VK_DOWN 40 //DOWN ARROW key
#define VK_PRINT 42 //PRINT key
#define VK_INSERT 45 //INS key
#define VK_DELETE 46 //DEL key
#define VK_HELP 47 //HELP key
#define VK_LWIN 91 //Left Windows key (Microsoft� Natural� keyboard)
#define VK_RWIN 92 //Right Windows key (Natural keyboard)
#define VK_APPS 93 //Applications key (Natural keyboard)
#define VK_SLEEP 95 //Computer Sleep key
#define VK_NUMPAD0 96 //Numeric keypad 0 key
#define VK_NUMPAD1 97 //Numeric keypad 1 key
#define VK_NUMPAD2 98 //Numeric keypad 2 key
#define VK_NUMPAD3 99 //Numeric keypad 3 key
#define VK_NUMPAD4 100 //Numeric keypad 4 key
#define VK_NUMPAD5 101 //Numeric keypad 5 key
#define VK_NUMPAD6 102 //Numeric keypad 6 key
#define VK_NUMPAD7 103 //Numeric keypad 7 key
#define VK_NUMPAD8 104 //Numeric keypad 8 key
#define VK_NUMPAD9 105 //Numeric keypad 9 key
#define VK_MULTIPLY 106 //Multiply key
#define VK_ADD 107 //Add key
#define VK_SEPARATOR 108 //Separator key
#define VK_SUBTRACT 109 //Subtract key
#define VK_DECIMAL 110 //Decimal key
#define VK_DIVIDE 111 //Divide key
#define VK_F1 112 //F1 key
#define VK_F2 113 //F2 key
#define VK_F3 114 //F3 key
#define VK_F4 115 //F4 key
#define VK_F5 116 //F5 key
#define VK_F6 117 //F6 key
#define VK_F7 118 //F7 key
#define VK_F8 119 //F8 key
#define VK_F9 120 //F9 key
#define VK_F10 121 //F10 key
#define VK_F11 122 //F11 key
#define VK_F12 123 //F12 key
#define VK_F13 124 //F13 key
#define VK_NUMLOCK 144 //NUM LOCK key
#define VK_SCROLL 145 //SCROLL LOCK key
#define VK_LSHIFT 160 //Left SHIFT key
#define VK_RSHIFT 161 //Right SHIFT key
#define VK_LCONTROL 162 //Left CONTROL key
#define VK_RCONTROL 163 //Right CONTROL key
#define VK_LMENU 164 //Left MENU key
#define VK_RMENU 165 //Right MENU key

int start()
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LCONTROL) && GetAsyncKeyState(VK_0))
Alert (“The ‘ctrl+0’ keys have been pressed, do you want me to do something?”);

Hi John,
Just a thought that if it’s not, maybe you need to check the “Allow DLL” in the properties?

I just tried it, nothing :frowning:

You’re probably getting slipped. Your parameters are telling the orderclose() function to close it at the price you specify, and only the price you specify. Just to see if this is it, try:


The “3” will close the order if the price is within 3 pips of the price you specified.

Alternatively, you may also need to pause after sending each order (add a Sleep(x) at the end of the loop, where “x” is the number of milliseconds to pause). The “trade context” can only process one order at a time. If your broker doesn’t close your trade the instant it gets the order to, the trade context may still be busy when the next orderclose() is received.

The code you posted doesn’t do anything. You’re defining the keyboard shortcuts, but more has to be added to actually do something with them once they’re defined. This looks like it is the beginning of what you’re expecting it to be (as far as defining the “virtual” keys), but more code is needed actually act on them.

This part:

if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LCONTROL) && GetAsyncKeyState(VK_0))
Alert (“The ‘ctrl+0’ keys have been pressed, do you want me to do something?”);

is the part that would need to be modified to actually do something based on which key is pressed.

OK…I was right…I had been programming so much that I was missing simple things. The whole problem was that I left out one line:


Now it works fine.

Please find updated version of the CloseAll script at xpworx.com (I can not submit links yet) :mad:

The keyboard events script is not for closing trades.