How to use Zulutrade to Maximise profit and Minimise risk


I have been using zulutrade to make money for a while. Overtime I have developed a money management system that reduces my trading risk and maximises my profit potential. I call it forex investing.

I am writing this post to help anyone who wishes to learn how to trade this way. Please take a look and run it on a demo account.

I have developed some videos to show you how to use zulutrade including setting up a signal provider, backtesting and how to create portfolios of siganl provider.

These portfolio’s decrease our trading risk while increasing our profits and can generate sustainable returns.

I look forward to you enjoying my system.


Risk Of Ruin

Risk of Ruin the unknown indicator.

When we trade we are exposing ourselves to risk and the greater the risk the greater the losses. All signal providers on zulutrade have a % accuracy. We can use this number to work out the % chance we have of blowing up our trading account.

To be safe we need to have a risk of ruin of 0% (less than 1). If it is higher than 0% (more than 1) we are running the risk of our accounts blowing up.

By calculating our risk of ruin before we trade we can remove risky signal providers and protect ourselves.

Risk of Ruin Calculator

Only thing changed is the amount of money we wish to risk per trade.

We can use the information provided by zulutrade to help us calculate our risk of ruin. Just enter the figure into the boxs provided.

By using the tool we have a very quick way of knowing if we are trading in a safe area.

Know Your Lot Sizes

Why money mangement is key to understanding the risks we are taking?

When we use zulutrade we have a choice to trade the system. We can either use zulutrades automatic risk settings or we can use the custom settings. To maximise our profits while keeping us safe we need to use the custom settings. to use the custom settings however we need to know what inputs to use.

One of the main questions is - How do I choose the correct lot size for my signal provider?

If we trade a lot size that is to big for my trading account I run the risk of blowing my account. However if we trade a lot size that is to small we reduce the amount of profits that we can earn. The correct lot size makes money but also stops us going bust.

Lot size calculator

After we use the calculator we are told the lot size for each currency pair that our signal provider is trading.

This gives us a way of making as much money as we can but also keeps us safe.

The importance of the maximum number of trades button in zulutrade.

Another input we need to understand is the maximum number of trades.

If our signal provider opens a large number of trades we run the risk of a margin call. A margin call will make us lose all of the money we have in our trading account. The deposit we needed to open the trades will be returned to us however we are esentially bust.

To stop this we must lower the maximum number of trades open at one time. If we lower the number of trades too much some signal providers may stop being profitable. We need a happy medium

We need to make enough money and be able to compound it to make serious money in trading. Finding out what the maximum number of trades we should take from a signal provider puts us on a sustainable path. A path of earning realistic profits while trading for a long enough time to let compounding make us money.

When we use this calculator we can work out the maximum number of trades we should take from a signal provider. We can use this in an advanced way buy using it to help balance a portfolio of signal providers.

By using this calculator we are able to select the optimum number of trades we take from a signal provider.

When we use the 3 calculators. We are able to test signal providers risk of ruin so we can stop reckless traders before we start trading. We are able to select the optimum lot size so we can maximise profits. We are able to control the number of trades we accept and this stops us from blowing up our trading account.

Nice analysis there Dean , how long are you in Zulutrade and which traders do you copy right now?

Dean ,

thank you for the detailed posts!! you have no idea how you opened my eyes!!
btw, the templetate is an excel one made or i find it somewhere…??? checked your blog - really nice info you have put there.

How to choose an zulutrade signal provider?

I am frequently asked for recommendations about which signal provider I would recommend at the moment, whilst this is flattering I feel that in making any recommendations I would be offering you only a short term solution. I would prefer however to show you how I choose my signal providers”

How hard can choosing a system be?

When we are choosing which signal provider to follow we must ask ourselves this question.

Will the signal provider continue to make money in the future???

If you answered honestly you would have said I DO NOT KNOW - IF THIS SIGNAL PROVIDER WILL MAKE ANY MONEY IN THE FUTURE. This is a truth that we must understand. When we choose a signal provider we do not know if it will profitable in the future. The signal provider we choose may make us money or it may not. We cannot control or predict which way the market moves.

However we DO know that some signal providers are more profitable than others. If we can identify these profitable signal providers we stand a much better chance of making money.

To identify profitable signals we need to adopt a method from stock investment. We are looking to select a stock using a screening technique. This process reveals which stocks are undervalued. As everything in finance reverts to the mean (average) we can buy a stock that holds extra value and this has the potential to make us money.

We can use this same principle when we screen our signal providers.

I have set myself a few simple rules which I follow. I only consider a signal provider if their system has traded for at least 26 weeks. If any signal provider has traded for less than this time they are considered unreliable.

I only pick a system when it has reached the to 20 of zulutrade. I find that there are two types of system which reach the top levels of zulutrade. These systems thrive because of the way Zulutrade’s zulu-rank system is calculated. This calculation is based on system % growth.

New fast growing system can move up the zulutrade rankings. If a system is successful it can quickly reach the top 20. Because these systems are new they seem successful because of their % growth rate. When These systems start a losing streak as they WILL when they revert to the mean and lose money.

I choose systems that have traded for at least 26 weeks and I choose a system that has reached the top 20 of zulutrade. These successful systems have made it into the top 20 because they are making money. We must always use the best signal providers that zulutrade has to offer.

I only choose signal providers that have earned their place in the top 20. It is these providers that give us the value we need to make money.

The perils of a single system?

When we trade a single signal provider we are exposing 100% of our trading capital to chance. Essentially we are betting on whether a single system will make us money. If the system we choose stops being profitable we will lose money,

This is called system risk.

When we trade a single system we have 100% of the system risk. So how do we reduce this risk? We must trade multiple systems in a single trading account. This diversifies the system risk between the systems.

This is called a portfolio…

This portfolio can have dramatic effects on both our performance and our risk. When we have chosen wisely we can enhance our profits. At the same time we also have lowered our system risk.

Because we have chosen a selection of signal providers we are able to monitor the results. When a system stops making money we can remove it and replace it with a new one. The poor system losses are balanced out by the others profits.

We can reduce the system risk even further. Our aim is not to be reliant on any single system but to use many systems as we need to diversify our risk. We are also to able to increase our profits.

We split our trading capital into different trading accounts. This allows us to increase the number of portfolios we can use. This in turn reduces our system risk.

Now we are trading 20 signal providers and we are able to harness the top successful signal providers to make profit.

so are you making money on zulu yet? if so how long and what %gain so far?

Very enjoyable thread.

I also write a thread about learning zulutrade which you can read here

So, magret hows your trading going on lately? you havent been a regular visitor for a long time…hope your account didnt blow up.;…

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Hi eddy Mo

I am well thank you.

No I have not been around babypips very much. I have been teaching myself about how to use currency tick data to test robot expert advisers. It has taken a while, but I have worked out a way of identifying robots that have the potential to earn us money.

It has taken a while to get my head around how it works but the initial testing is very positive, and it shows good potential for identifying long-term growth robots.

I hope you are well and your forex is making you money.


Hey Margret,

things are fine, small pipping and all of course…but you know how it is with Forex. same old same old, testing traders and signals providers, trying to find the ‘optimal frontier’ (metaphorically speaking) of my portfolio of traders :wink: zulutrade’s still working perfectly for me.

Good, for you! Sounds like a nice plan. hopefully it is working well for you. Although, LongTerm growth robots sound a bit eutopical, though wish all the good luck to find the strategy…usually where we fail, there is potential way for improvement.

Eddy Mo.

Hi Dean,

Am researching Zulutrade now…lately my friend told me that the SPs are on fire lately…

How about yours? Are the SPs making you money lately?

My traders deffinitely are, but if you ask me, i’d tell you :slight_smile:

You can fallow me on zulu :

ZuluTrade - Trader Performance - jaeger

Sorry, I’m a system developer and trader myself for 6 years in the business.
% perc win and % perc loss of signal account does not say anything about the chance of collapse system or ‘risk ruin’.
To high % perc of win -> even causes a chance of large DD = high risk of collapse.
So the program you made is not based on anything.

There a few characteristics that can help you to chose a good signal provider.
The 10 Holy Forex Commandments… | PipShip

How many years are you trading on zulu and watching systems collapsing?

There is only one way to avoid a system to collapse …
Manage the DD as signal provider at a standardised way…
But top10 traders think they are god when they are trading in top10 zulu. When facing a huge DD they cut off their systems and hope for the best. (not thinking about the consequences of the accounts of followers, only thinking about the chance the market price will eventually hit their exit target… hoping to stay number 1)

Remember Kama Spot:

Remember Forex Cruise Control:

At the end all semi automated systems on zulu collapse. (try to find one trading for many years!!! there is not one provider traing for many years…)

Only trading 100% automatic and by backtesting the system for years there is a chance…
But most traders on zulu are just amateurs. You think the money traded in the world is on zulu? (5-35 mil)
Guess not! Only amateurs and amateur providers till now.

Only systems 100% trading automatic and backtested for years or trading > 26 weeks = only characteristic to make a ruin account analysis on… (you are right at this point: only trade with system > 26 weeks or having backtests several years)

The other point you are making…
Spreading your account between 20 providers hahahahah… you know what will happen then?

This guy is follwing 2 signal providers. But instead of making a profit he makes a loss. The most valuable trades he misses because he is using too many providers… (small account, using a high risk approach)

The provider only makes profit trades. Even then he is losing money! What will happen when the provider goes down, small account, high risk approach?

If trading as a retail trader, you need to have at least $1000 to trade safe with a provider. (low DD provider) Most providers do have DD’s of 1000-2000 pips. Then you need $5.000-10.000 to trade with a provider… (otherwise number of 0.1 minilots is too large!)

Trading with 5 providers…? 10? 20? You have to be rich! :stuck_out_tongue:

Solution: use link above and you are right at this point… Only providers trading for more than 26 weeks or having a backtest of several years. Try to limit the number of providers.
Max 1 provider each $1.000-$10.000 of account deposit depending of the Max drawdown of the system. But you also want to spread between providers… well… at least you have to have some capital too trade safe and to use several providers.

this is a ridiculous far too large DD strategy…
If you are using 70 SL you are making a loss… No safe strategy.

I also dont recommend this trader - 42% (501) max drawdown!!
too risky in my opinion - dd < max trade pips. but you never know -trading can straighten out.

good performance but man, really, but I have a thing with your drawdown - twice is more than enough for me to bring me a margin call in no time. Think about this how to fix it further on.

I read your explanation with great interest thank you - I am thinking of joining Zulu trade and the schedules you show and explain seem very useful - where do i get these please - sothat i my use them?
thank you