Trading the Trend with Strong Weak Analysis

No Change in rank order from Friday,

Trade setup in USDCAD

Monday price in the USDCAD test and reject the daily 200 ma. This is setting up for a move lower if we can get a 4 hr candle close below 1.3127 then a move down to 1.3000 would look likely

Not much change from yesterday

Good day for US dollar

Here is my weekly market video

GBP was tops on the day and may have found a near term bottom

In keeping with this back and forth market, yesterday’s strong GBP was today’s weakest.

My stop profit was hit to the exact pip before price reversed, more luck then skill but I will take it. I will be looking to short this one again once this pullback ends

Up down up down , as yesterdays weak are today’s strong.

New #1

I had some free time so here is my weekly market review a bit early

No change in rank order from Friday, GBP is showing some life

From Friday’s action following the FBI reopening of it’s investigation of Hillary Clinton, look for EURUSD and USDJPY to be most effected by next weeks US elections

We start the new month with a lot of action, CHF is in the number 1 spot for first time since last December

as I said yesterday EURUSD and USDJPY are likely big movers as the US election draws near and they did not disappoint today

NZD zooms to #1 as gold rallies

Dollar and CAD continue to tumble

NZDCAD is not one I normally trade but with Gold moving higher and Oil lower, this might be worth a look.

Here is my weekend look at the markets, it is all about he US elections now

Opening gap in USDJPY is finding resistance at the 200 sma on the 1hr chart. Gap was caused by FBI announcing they were again dropping their investigation into Hillary Clinton, This election could not be more rigged. As it is now we could have a Brexit type event if the people stand against the globalist and vote against Clinton

There are just too many moving parts here to address in this thread, I may post a video later

Here is a short 2 1/2 min. video. A look at the market on this day before the US elections, and my summary of what it all means. If you cannot have a sense of humor in all this, then what’s the point