3 reasons for Germany to exit the EU, abandon the euro, and reinstate the D-mark

Article from Investopedia —

3 Reasons Germany Would Be Better Off Without the Euro


The primary reason Germany would be better off without the euro and the European Union, or EU, is the only thing it has gained from being a member of the EU is the questionable privilege of contributing billions of dollars to bail out weaker EU economies. Another major factor to consider is the effect that leaving the EU would have on the value of the deutsche mark, the German currency. Some people argue the EU is a failed experiment in any event, destined to collapse at some point in the future.

It’s naive to think that a country stays in a community like the european union if it doesn’t benefit from it…

Couldn’t disagree more. Germany gains a lot from the EU - from the easier flow of new workers from the east, to markets that no longer have taxes and levies in the rest of the west. And as a part of the EU it’s going ahead with an agreement for free trade with the US (to put it in simple terms). The net profit from being in the EU for all countries is there to see. Together we stand a chance against China/North America in commercial terms, divided we fall to small countries with a stagnating population growth and less and less of a competitive edge.

Exactly…totally agree