Back to BabyPips where all started after becoming a professional Forex trader - MMFX

Hey everyone,

My name is Miguel, it has been now 4 years that I’m trading Forex for a living. I started learning about Forex in 2005 reading books, trading demo accounts and of course here on BabyPips and its awesome School of Pipsology.

It has been a long ride ever since, I started trading Forex while I was working in Switzerland. I did all the mistakes a newbie could do during my learning period and with the time I eventually started to become profitable.
It took me 5 years of learning and experimenting in Forex trading, until I decided to take a leap of faith, and I left Europe to go live in South East Asia where the cost of living is lower. I did this so that I could trade full time and mostly live with my small profits until they got bigger with time, practice and experience.

Like I said, it has been now a bit more than 4 years that I am trading Forex for a living, and it has been great so far!
But in Forex trading, your learning curve never stops, since you need to be flexible and learn to adjust your trading methodologies/systems frequently in order to keep up with the variations of the market.

I decided to join again BabyPips simply because Forex trading is a very lonely business, and you don’t get to talk to many people, or share your passion with many people.
What is better than being part of an awesome Forex Forum where everybody shares the same passion?!

I am here to share my experiences and knowledge in Forex trading acquired during all those years, but I am also here to keep on learning and developing myself as a trader.

I like to hear from people, and I like to help people, therefore do not hesitate in contacting me!

:41: As a matter of fact, I started coaching people since a couple of months ago who are willing to take their trading to the next level. I’m also the author of several Forex trading eBooks where I share my most profitable trading systems. :41:

Happy Trading everyone!


now your here you could share your most profitable systems with us for free …

Welcome Home! glad to hear you want to help others… for free of course like everyone else here. I’m mentoring and teaching about financial markets in the real world, face to face, but babypips is another story. We came here to share and learn in a good mood, all together. I will never try to mix both things. Just my thoughts…

Welcome back - will be interesting to see what your methods are and great to have another contributor to these forums!

Welcome back! We definitely need folks like you around here. See you around!

[QUOTE=“MigMfx;622044”] I’m also the author of several Forex trading eBooks where I share my most profitable trading systems.[/QUOTE]

Where can we find your published texts?

Thank you very much to each and everyone of you for the warm welcome, I really appreciate it. :8:

I am definitely here to help you guys as much as I can and I will take the time to share the way I trade as well as the way I approach the Forex market.

I see a lot of people mentioning the word “free” in the previous posts? You guys have access to the best place (BabyPips) to learn to trade Forex for free. You don’t even realize how lucky you are to have this place.
I’ve realized that the School of Pipsology has improved and changed since I first started. You really have all the tools for free to become a successful trader. I’ve learned all the basics in here, and perfected my trading with practice, mistakes, patience and time.
Of course I’m going to share with you in this forum everything I know for FREE. :cool: Everything that stays on this forum is definitely free, I didn’t try to sell anything.
On the other hand, my coaching 1:1 and eBooks are not free, but I’m not trying to sell them to you, unless you contact me specifically for this. :21:

Nevertheless, I’m going to hangout in the different threads of the forum, and see where I can add some value with the experience I have acquired over the years.

Also, if you have specific questions regarding your trading, or systems that you would like me to tell you what I think, please do not hesitate to contact me at my personal email address migmfx @ gmail . com or mention me in your thread, I will definitely help you… For FREE :22:

Guys I wish you all a happy trading week. I will most probably stay in the sideline since the volumes during last week and this week should be low, translated by a ranging market and no big moves.

Happy trading everyone!

Hey Forex Unlimited!

Checking back my post, I thought I answered you, but it looks like you didn’t get my answer.

Please let me know if that is the case.

Happy Trading!