Hi from Poland

Hi, I’m Aleksander Tymchenko

46 years old. Get interested in Forex around 2 years ago. Did trading live since summer 2014. Zero out few accounts, and now geting finally serious about Money Management and Trading Plan.

Want to change my mind set to plan my trade and trade my plan. Learn Price Action and how to combine Fundamental and Technical Analyze in my trading.

Right now studding video materials from Inner Circle Trader Michael J. Huddleston, very glad I did find it.

Best regards
Aleksander Tymchenko

Hello Aleksander and welcome to our forex community! I suggest you also take a look at our trading blogs to see how fundamental and technical analysis are being combined: Forex Blog Updates: FX Currency Trading News, Tips & Education Blogs

Thank you very much PipDiddy, for sure I will :slight_smile:
