Hello, New and excited to learn

Hi, My name is Naomi,

My boyfriend has recently completed an MTA course in London and I have recently been made unemployed and will be joining him on the trading journey.

Some of our friends have also completed the course and have been very successful in trading in the last 6-8 months and have become full time traders.

I’m looking to build my knowledge base and and understanding of trading to become a full time trader, I’m very keen to learn and motivated to suceed.


Welcome, I think I just replied to your boyfriends post! As I said on his post, forex is a tough game but stick and it and keep learning. Read through the BabyPips school and forum and bounce ideas of each other.

Good luck!

Hi Naomi,
Yes, Aidy and I just responded to your boyfriend’s post;) Welcome! It is not easy to learn how to trade but if you educate yourself well and persevere then it pays. And doing that together will even be more fun! So go ahead to the school section. I am still stuck at highschool level:( Sometimes time is too short when one is working)

Hello Naomi, welcome to our forex community! Keep on learning and I hope you stay motivated throughout your forex journey. See you around!