Hello, from Pittsburgh

Hello everyone,

My name is Bob. For the past year, I’ve had an interesting go with the world of Forex…

I started off very excited, and spent all of my free time going through the BabyPips School, while trading an FXCM Demo account. However, it didn’t take long for me to become overwhelmed with the vast amount of information (often conflicting) available on the internet. I’ve had great weeks at times, but never managed to really grow the account, due to equally bad weeks.

I was still very interested in making trading a major part of my life and income, and I really took a liking to the Supply and Demand trading method. I liked how bare it could be, with little to no indicators.

Still feeling [B]lost[/B] as to what I should be learning, I took some time to sit through a 3-day market timing class, put on by OTA. Now… of course they didn’t divulge much info on their trading strategy, which of course, made me want to sign up for their program. It was simply too expensive.

So, here I am. Digging for more information on S&D trading, or looking for some other “proven” trading strategy to catch my eye. I’m very determined to be consistently profitable -not lucky- in my demo account, before I open a live account (for which I am very anxious)

I just hope OTA didn’t brainwash me, with all their “trading books are wrong”…

Hope to spend more time on these forums,


Hi Bob!

I am in the same boat as you I think I might just be a couple of steps ahead of you. I too was in the cycle of trying something for awhile and then when it didn’t work after a short week or two I would go find something else to learn and try. Then I watched a youtube clip by a dude in Australia talking about Qualitative trading as appose to Quantitative(strategies etc…). He spoke a lot about sample size and the beginners cycle. It Made me realize that the biggest variables in my trading was me constantly changing my methods/strategy and how would I ever know if something worked if I didn’t stick to it strictly for a month or two. Then being able to weather a month or two of loses comes down to risk tolerance.

Food for thought,


Hello Bob, welcome to our forex community! So sorry to hear that you’re feeling a bit lost and overwhelmed with all the information out there. Might I suggest you follow our blogs to see how the market analysis is applied to make trading decisions?

Thanks for the suggestions. I’m certainly looking to spend more time in the forums, to hopefully learn from other profitable traders.