Hello, I'm a scalper wannabe :)

Hey guys,

Nice to meet you all!

I’m not new to trading, but definitely new with scalping. I want to learn everything about scalp, and need your help in this knowledge whenever possible.

I’ll post in newbie forum for my request. Once again, nice to be here in babypips. Hope to learn a lot for everyone here.


Hello and welcome to the BabyPips.com community! What was your previous trading strategy before you decided to try out scalping?

Hello Huck! Thanks for welcoming. :slight_smile:

I’m a long term price action trader, currently have “too much” time so I’m trying to train and improve scalping skill :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you have any good links or threads which focus on scalping? Kindly share, I’ll appreciate it very much.

Thanks in advance.