Drop by and Helloooo to everyone :)

Dear All,

Hope everyone have a good day, and profited going all the way…
this morning had a bad mood, cause my account just got burned :frowning:
But i wont give up!!! have to learn hard & harder again from everyone and hope can give some direction & guide…

thanks thanks!!! ^^

Hi and welcome. Losses are part of the game. Use them to step your game up and don’t let them get you down! All success!

Hello and Welcome aboard,

Arigoldman is so right. Losses are part of the game. In fact, Million dollar American Baseball Players are paid millions of dollar by striking out 70% of the time. That means they only hit the ball 30% and make millions.

It is impossible to win 100% in Forex. You will have losers. However, one of your assignments is to make sure that you can identify “high Probability” trades. You need a well define system and be strong mentally.

In short, and I’ve know you’ve heard this before, stick to demo account and back-testing until you able to trade triple your demo account, open a small live account and triple it and then trade live. There are so many beneficial reasons for doing this and I teach this methodology to my students.

Wishing you all the best in your Forex endeavors!