Hello from San Diego!

Hi all!
I’m super-excited that I found this site. I recently decided to get “back” into trading forex (I tried previously, but didn’t really get anywhere). Then I heard about a guy named ******* (yeah, I blocked it out). Anyway, after checking his site out, and liking some of the ideas, I did a search on “Is it worth it to buy his training.”

A resounding NO echoed forth from THIS SITE! I had no idea such a wonderful resource was freely available. So, while I’ve opened a demo account (again), I haven’t done any trading on it yet - I’ve decided to go through the school here.

AWESOME stuff. I’m happy I found this site! Anyway, I’m just barely learning and have a very long way to go, but with this site as a guide, I think I’ll be able to stick around earn a little money on the side as I eventually learn.

Welcome back to trading then!! Dont be scared to get busy on that demo account. Build your confidence. do things, try things out. Even if you loose, just give yourself 3-6 months worth of demo trading to settle down with the process again and understand the allication of everything you learn in the school of pipsychology.

PS. does your username imply you are into racing? Porsche Spider? tell us a bit about that. :slight_smile:

lol, no, no racing. My name was given to me during a rock-climbing trip. One of the guys I was climbing with said I looked like a racing spider, so… it stuck. lol.
As far as trading goes, there’s so much to learn and, being in San Diego with a full time job, I’m ‘late’ to the market. I opened up the charts to see a HUMONGOUS move in GBP/USD - and I was thinking, did numbers come out? How in the world will I be ‘casual’ yet effective?
I shook it off and continued to follow the market, but man, it is daunting.