Halo Traders

Hey, how’s it going…?
I’m from Malaysia.

Involved in FX 5-6 years ago but ended up losing all money. Back then I don’t know exactly what I’m doing.
Found babypips lately and think of a second shot… this time I going to learn before start to put real money on the line:cool:

This site is amazing. Thumbs Up.
That’s it Happy Piping everyone:53::53:

Hi there Naiveme! Welcome to the crew!

Hi Toekan, nice to be here… Ton of goodies:32:

Hi David, yup I’m really glad to have found this site.
Sure and thanks for that:):slight_smile:

Hey Naiveme,

Before you come back to live account, have a 4 motnhs proftiable demo account. Then trade only with the demo tested startegy.

Good luck