GA Forex TradePrp

Starting new chapter of life. Love fishing in both salt and freshwater. My biggest catch to date over 350 pounds. What kind of fish? Sturgeon. Back in my youth I fished for Shad and Sturgeon with nets. Oh, I could have used a Zebco 202 as well. I am well traveled spending time in Europe, Caribbean Islands and more. One of the most sights seen was off the coast of Peru. At the time I was in the Coast Gaurd, on patrol, the water on the horizon looked like a big wave was coming. However, about two miles out we spotted exactly what it was, millions of dolphins migrating from China. Truly, an awesome unforgettable sight.
Currently living in Georgia.
Background trading commodities and stocks. Why am I switching to currencies? I intend to keep my eye on the currency futures and see if there is any correlation in pricing on the futures exchanges and forex.
So far I am really impressed with the BabyPips education and in general the website in whole.
What di I hope to get out of BabyPips? Networking with other traders, learning from others and helping when I can do so. The market is huge and the opportunity is great. Let’s all get the pips!

Greetings GA Forex TradePro and welcome to the forum community! Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself and that story of catching a 350 pound fish is pretty awesome! Looking forward to hear more about your market experience and hope that you can learn from the community as much as you share. Thanks for the kind words and good luck!