Full FOREX Immersion! I want to be surrounded by people who trade FOREX

My name is Matthew and I am tired of working for other people and not having the freedom to enjoy life. I know this isn’t some get rich quick scheme and it will take a lot of time and foocus to become a proficient FOREX trader but I know that once I get the hang of it (like with any other job) what i will have to do to make money sufficient enough to give my 9-5 the boot will be second nature! I’m a single guy (recently divorced) with no kids and there is no reason I shouldn’t be on a beach with my laptop making a living the FOREX way! I’m looking for like minded people who are like myself and new to this and want to be around other people who want to trade full time for a living and I’m also looking forpeople who already trade full time or at least trade enough to know how to make smart strategic trades to help me build my acount and constantly learn more about the market!

Greetings Matthew and welcome to the forum community! Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself and we hope that our community can help you reach your goals of trading on a beach :slight_smile: It’s not an easy goal to master forex trading, but it’s possible and we wish you the best on your journey!

Thank you for the well wishes and I most defintely know it will not be easy. With that being said, do know where I can find a mentor? Or someone who is willing to let me shadow them in their trades so I can see the process in acion?

Poke around the threads on here and see who’s trading style “speaks” to you.