Hello Everyone

Brand spanking new to the world of forex, Thanks to reddit I found this place. I have spare 100 bucks and this time instead of buying beer I want to do something different with it.

One thing I would like to find out with this experience is that is FX trading gambling or there is skills involved?

Maybe $100 is not enough to find that out…

Maybe it is enough…

Maybe I will learn something…

I think I will start by reading the basic of FX and what it actually means.

Wish me luck…

Hello and welcome!

Forex trading requires skill, knowledge and experience. I recommend trading on a demo account for a while and going through the School of Pipsology here before you consider investing those 100 bucks.


Welcome and just like dianajs said it does require some skill before trading i just started learning forex since last October and still haven’t gone live i’m waiting till i have enough knowledge about the craft of trading to go live i know its tempting to start making money but if you don’t know what your doing you can blow your money faster than you think so study man just as i am and we can succeed in forex.

Good Luck And Blessings

Im new as well, and I can tell you it’s exciting.

I’ve wasted my “100” dollars .lol. I should of found this place first, but, fortunately it didn’t cripple me.

risk management I feel is something that’ll come in hand, as I’ve read plenty of times online.