Justin's Introduction

Hey Traders!

I’ve just graduated from Kindergarten and I’m absolutely loving Baby Pips. It’s so refreshing to find a website offering such substantial and good quality advice without asking me to sign up and pay some ridiculous monthly fee (I’m looking at you iML).

Does anyone here have any suggestions for a new trader? I’m planning to commit 3-6 months to studying on BP and practicing with demo accounts before going live.

Is anyone able to tell me which Broker I should go with (I live in Melbourne, Australia), what leverage to choose for my eventual live account and for my demo account, and finally what are the top add-ons I should put on my MT4?

Thank you all for your time.


Greetings Justin and welcome to the BabyPips.com! Thanks for the positive comments about the site and glad to hear we can help! Sounds like you have a plan to get to live trading, and our biggest tip would be when you do go live, trade very, very small! Even with only 0.25% of your account at risk, you’ll feel the psychological effects of the possibility of losing out in the markets. Once you get more comfortable and profitable, then think about scaling up positions as your account grows. Hope this helps…good luck with the School!