A picture is worth

Thanks for the pictures. And thanks for the explanation. My apologies to the Swedish Polis for the “video game” comment.

Sometimes extreme measures are justified. Reminds me of the recent story out of St Gallen, Switzerland, where a Swiss judge levied a fine on a motorist for speeding. The fine was the equivalent of $290,000 — a world record. The guy is quite wealthy, is a repeat-offender, drives a Ferrari Testarossa, and claims to hobnob with Michael Schumacher and his buddies. Here’s the story: Should Wealthy Drivers Be Fined More For Speeding? - The Wealth Report - WSJ

Apparently, it’s becoming common in Europe to make fines proportional to the wealth of the offender.

So, you high-rolling forex traders in Sweden better watch out.

None needed. :slight_smile:

In a few years maybe/hopefully :smiley:

Due to me being lazy and not uploading the original post’s image to photobucket everything got screwed up, so here’s a replacement:

Wulfmorgenthaler, a Danish team who do some hilarious strips.

I think your picture got changed?

It did indeed!

I’ll fix it if possible or delete it later.

Btw, the current image text says: The boss just collapsed an died on the floor!

there was a strange spiral light in the sky, did you see it? Turned out to be a Russian rocket that malfunctioned.


Nope, didn’t see it but sure wish I had! Looks like Mulder and Scully would have been there…

I edited my previous post so now it’s gonna behave. Couldn’t find the original image again sadly.

Why does that make me think of Swedish Meatballs?

I like that picture. Where’d you find it? We have a siamese but I never saw it chase a mouse like that!

Hey, Mike

Someone sent that picture to me — I don’t remember who — and I filed it away, because I like it, too.

I was rummaging through one of my “pictures” files, came across it, and decided to share it with you guys.

The intense focus of that cat is almost diabolical.

Someone once referred to cats as having “switchblade paws”. I think that’s an apt description.

To the mouse, it must look like Freddy Krueger is about to slash him to pieces.

switchblade claws, that’s a good description for sure. I’ve been on the receiving end a time or two.


also have 3 dogs, the cat and the dogs all get along fine together.

Look at the size of this trade!!!

Is that like 21 billion in profit not bad for a few years:eek:

Three thousand light-years away, a dying star throws off shells of glowing gas
in this image from the Hubble Space Telescope of the Cat’s Eye Nebula.

(Picture and text from space.com)

Nice picture Clint. What I find really interesting is the fact that star died 3,000 years ago and we are just finding out about it now since it took that long for the image to get here from there at the speed of light which is 300,000 kilometers per second roughly.

Just think… somewhere out there 50,000 light years away a gamma ray burster could have fired off a shot directly at us fifty thousand years ago and we wouldn’t even know it until it incinerates us all tomorrow!
Kinda makes your day don’t it? :smiley:

Something else bugs me is why the speed of light is that value and not twice that or half that… I have a theory why but no math framework to back it up.

Fibonacci wave theory?

We need a revolution.

Fibonacci wave theory?

Planck Time

better free your mind instead
-Lennon & Mcartney

Your comment reminded me of this pic —

Someone posted this picture several months ago, I think in the Newbie Island Forum.
I can’t remember who posted it — I wish I could give credit where credit is due.

Edit: found the original — http://forums.babypips.com/newbie-island/32640-fibonnaci-sexiness-2.html#post172083
We subsequently persuaded FiatFap to remove the hand-drawn lines.

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I saved that fibo pic when I first saw it:D

I hope this is not offensive to anyone. I was tying to get a clear understanding of a family members interpretation of the word “honesty”, hows that for diplomacy. The person is a hard core Baptist I am not. I found this ironic.

I was able to find some baptist sermons on honesty with google.