Complete list of curreny manipulations, devaluations, revaluations and other major ev


I am interested of studying historical key events on foreign exchange. I am interested of:
[li]currency devaluations
[/li][li]currency revaluations
[/li][li]various manipulative attacks
[/li][li]collapses and initiations of currency peg`s or other currency regimes
[/li][li]other major changes in sentiment or monetary system that had influence on particular currency

So i would be happy when you could post replys with [B]type of event[/B], [B]name of event[/B], [B]date of event[/B] ([B][I]as exact time as possible would be great[/I][/B]). Especially lucrative would it be when link to analysis follows :P. I am ready to group these events in the future and edit my first post here based on happening date of event, happening location of event and happening reason of event. So traders now and in the future can benefit from that information.

who really gives a **** about this info, really??

Abner, dont be so restive. If you want, you could find easily find several distressed currencyes today. These unexpected and big events are moneymaking opportunities. Even if you dont catch first movement a bigger longterm trend will emerge after that event. One of the latest key event was in Eastern Europe on 25 February when Hungary abandoned his pegged currency float to Euro. Look for EURHUF chart to see that volatility around that date by yourself.

For further information about HUF peg, please read Press releas of the National Bank of Hungary and news storys from Financial Times.

1 Hungary floats the forint

2 Sharp rise in forint after surprise float

I am pretty convinced that we will hear more from CEE region in a 3 year time frame in the Future. I am kind of preparing allready :wink:

Birkz, I can’t offer you any details on this, but I’d be interested reading about what you find out.

Incidentally, I don’t think they’d be that useful trading; trading off the charts is much easier. There are clearly distressed currencies at the moment - the dollar being the most distressed of them all, and everyone knows it, everyone’s selling them - it’s entirely expected and entirely profitable.

Anyways, good luck in gathering your info