Correlation Question


Do you know of a site/link that explains the correlation
of Currencies with Market Indexes/Bonds/Notes?

Thank you.


Take a week or two and give eurusd and usdchf a very close look , just keep observing the way both of the moves. may be you gonna see somthing


Thank you but I am familiar with the correlation between these.

My question is related to the indexes, bonds/notes with currencies.


What you’re referring to is called intermarket analysis - more so the theoretical component because of the insight it provides into a single market (forex) than it’s implementation.

This will get you started:

The Advantage of Intermarket Analysis

You’ll notice Murphy’s book mentioned in the text: an indispensable book that discusses your question

Also, Louis Mendelsohn’s book, specific to intermarket analysis with specific regard for forex. You’ll find a recent article by him about it here:

Intermarket Analysis of Forex Market

When you’ve had it with that, check out the full text of his book by downloading it here (scroll down just a bit when the page opens):

Free Market Trading E Books

Also, a good book on the same topic there to download by Jim Wyckoff, just below Mendelsohn’s.


Thank you for the above references. I have read some and will
continue to read the remaining with a view to helping me with my
own system. I read about your trading experience somewhere in
your blog. Thank you for sharing your knowledge here.

1Thess 5:21

“Make sure of all things, hold fast to what is fine.” is a wonderful
principle to live by.

Thanks again.