Setting goals without first having a method of trading in place that you know has X return/risk per trade, and x win/loss ratio, is absolutely pointless.
Not until you have that, can you set goals. And it would be on % of return not money. As you lose or win you should be compounding, decompounding by your risk tolerance.
You have to find a consistent method that has a win/loss ratio of at least 50% (IMO)…or better.
AND, find a method where the risk/reward is 1:1 or better.
For example: If 50% of your trades win & you risk 1 to gain 2…and the method is consistent, repeatable and you don’t f it up, it’s can be a winner. Because, one winning trade cancels out two losers. (if you didn’t act like dope and overleverage after a couple of winnners)
The less the reward you have, the more winners you have to have. You can have an ultra high win rate as say a scalper, but if one or two losses cancels out your wins you’ve just wasted a whole lot of time.
So, high win/loss rate + high risk/reward ratio + consistently trading the method = as close to the grail anyone every gets.
O, and when you express the risk, it should be percentage of your account. Not in pips. Trying to say, “my method always have a 60 pip SL and a 120 pip TP,” is trying to force what you want on what is actually happening.
First you find the appropriate SL, and then find if the reward can possibly be 1:1 or greater. The divide your risk % amoung the SL. So, from trade to trade your SL may and could change, but you can still just risk 1% of your account per trade.